The Citizen (KZN)

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1. Add WhatsApp number to phone contacts. 2. Open WhatsApp, go to contacts list to chat. Rather than waiting for Day Zero, Cape Town should start with emergency plans now. If rain is not expected soon, then surely every drop needs to be saved as from yesterday.


NB, your letter suggesting that Cape Town should “turn off taps now”, is the answer! Draw up a water shedding roster for different areas at certain times. Great idea!


I’m 100% behind Bheki Cele: we need an explanatio­n from Ace Magashule. He must vacate that position to the rightful person, Senzo Mchunu.


Proteas are pathetic. Think we could lose series to India 6-0.


Watching cricket and am impressed with Zondo. I think the time is fast approachin­g where quotas can be done away with. The cream is rising to the top.

Phillip van der Merwe

So, Lesufi is taking Overvaal to the Constituti­onal Court despite Angie Motshekga’s discourage­ment. Who but Jimmy “Deep Pockets” taxpayer is going to foot the bill for this man’s ego trip. He should be made to put up personal guarantees.

Des du Triou

DStv says you can pick a bouquet to suit your needs and budget. I asked only for rugby, cricket and few extra channels. Surprise, surprise: I was told that is only available on full bouquet. Not really a choice, is it?


The ANC will never ever practice what they preach. I’m still waiting for the Ekurhuleni mayor to resign after Ramaphosa was elected ANC president.

Jiva, Randfontei­n

Andile Mngxitama “Mguptama”, you are going be out of a job when your pals the Guptas are in prison or flee to Dubai!


It’s inconceiva­ble for me, surrounded by a vast amount of water, that desalinati­on would not be my first option – especially if this meant never running out of water. This drought was predicted way back in 2011, so plenty of time to install.


Siwela, your cartoon of the three ANC officials in the canoe paddling in different directions is why Zuma won’t be sent packing to Nkandla!


I am a stable genius. How do I know? I said so, therefore it must be true.


Neville, the more people make jokes about Trump, the better. He is a big, fat, orange joke.


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