The Citizen (KZN)

Tourist attraction becomes disaster

LAVA WAS BIG BUSINESS IN HAWAIIAN TOWN Latest series of eruptions and quakes force people to evacuate.

- Pahoa

Alittle lava was good for business in Pahoa, Hawaii, during Kalauea’s frequent eruptions over the past 35 years, say people who make a living from tourists who flocked to the town to see one of the world’s most active volcanoes.

They mainly came to see the Kalapana flow, a stream of lava that flows from one of Kalauea’s craters and cuts through an abandoned town of the same name on its way to the sea.

Kerry Kelly, 70, a long-time resident of Pahoa, said the area saw a “huge” uptick in revenue as a result of the Kalapana flow. It began in 1991, pouring into the streets, igniting homes and burying everything in a layer of thick volcanic rock.

The lava flow became a major tourist draw, pulling hundreds of visitors a day. Residents began running tours by boat, bicycle and off-road vehicles. Vendors set up food stands.

Then it stopped a few months ago, Kelly said. The latest series of eruptions, quakes and clouds of toxic sulphur that has forced hundreds of people to evacuate has made things worse.

“Business was already dropping and then to have this happen. This is not just a physical disaster,” said Kelly. “We’re bordering on an economic disaster.”

Business has all but petered out, said Arianna Arakaki, 21, who manages Pele’s Kitchen, a popular restaurant.

“As soon as the lava started going off, business dropped off because everyone started saving money,” said Arakaki, a native Hawaiian who worships Pele, the Hawaiian volcano goddess.

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