The Citizen (KZN)

Israel Folau is at it again


Sydney – Wallabies star Israel Folau (above) has again courted controvers­y by posting a social media link to a video opposing same-sex marriage and referring to “sexual perversion­s beyond descriptio­n”.

The devout Christian, one of Australia’s most marketable players, caused a storm last month when he said gay people were destined for hell.

He escaped sanction by sports chiefs, despite Rugby Australia having an inclusion policy to stop discrimina­tion, and a backlash from several high-profile players.

A defiant Folau, 29, last week said he had no regrets and would not be backing away from his staunch beliefs regarding homosexual­ity.

In the video posted on his Twitter feed late Tuesday, the late American evangelist David Wilkerson warns against “tolerance” of same-sex marriage in an 11-minute sermon.

“We’re living in a time of unpreceden­ted greed, rampant inequality, sexual perversion­s beyond descriptio­n,” he said.

It also showed people with rainbow flags, rats caught in traps and clocks ticking.

“With great love I wanted to share this video in the hope that people watch it and think about it,” Folau said. “Jesus is coming back soon and he wants us to turn to him through repentance and baptism in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38), please don’t harden your heart.”

Rugby Australia has been trying to balance their desire to resign Folau, whose contract is up at the end of the year, with the demands of leading sponsors including national airline Qantas, which has made clear is not happy with his postings. – AFP

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