The Citizen (KZN)

Ask the doctor


I feel tired and sleepy all the time, especially during the day. I’ve adjusted my bedtime to earlier but it isn’t helping.

Being tired all the time might be due to mental health issues like depression. How is your appetite and general mood? Has something happened recently that might have affected you?

Also, chronic illness can present with fatigue. Like hypertensi­on, diabetes, anaemia.

Please visit your doctor and get a full body work-up to exclude all the above.

Improving your diet to a healthy one with fruit and vegetables and less sugar can also improve your energy.

What is the best treatment for a constantly bleeding nose? It bleeds at least twice a week.

Bleeding nose can be caused by bleeding disorders or other chronic illnesses like hypertensi­on.

With bleeding disorders you might have other sites bleeding as well, like gums when you brush your teeth, joints or bleeding for long time after injuries. Hypertensi­on bleeding is usually associated with headache and dizziness.

Please see your doctor.

Is athlete’s foot a recurring infection? Is there a way to get rid of it permanentl­y?

It is a fungal infection and many of them recur, especially if associated with sweating and heat. To prevent recurrence good foot hygiene and keeping your feet dry will help. Take two baths a day to keep clean feet. Use anti-fungal powders prescribed by your doctor regularly as well.

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