The Citizen (KZN)

Decapitati­on: ‘occult to blame’



Roodepoort police have confirmed that the teenage girl killed on Thursday had allegedly been decapitate­d by her brother, reports Roodepoort Record.

The brother was arrested on Thursday evening.

The incident took place in the early afternoon in 5th Avenue in Roodepoort North.

The decapitate­d body of the girl was discovered by her uncle, whose screams alerted the neighbours, who, in turn, called the police.

Although the police said the motive for the murder is still unknown, two different sources have told the Roodepoort Record it might be occult-related.

The ages of the victim and the suspect are still unknown.

A neighbour, who wished to remain anonymous, said he was walking to the shops on 5th Avenue at about 5pm when he noticed a woman, allegedly the aunt of the victim, and a young man sitting on the pavement.

On his return, they were still sitting on the pavement, so he approached them to find out if anything was wrong.

The woman told him the father of the murdered teenager was a retired soldier and currently in hospital, and that they made the discovery when they went to check up on her.

When she told him that the girl’s “neck was cut off”, he explicitly asked her whether she had been decapitate­d, which the woman allegedly confirmed.

The neighbour said he suspected the murder might have been occult-related since the victim’s brother “was into that kind of thing”.

He also said the murder must have taken place in the early afternoon.

“They were a very decent family who always greeted and chatted to us,” he said. – Caxton News Service

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