The Citizen (KZN)

ANC learning from ‘revolution­aries’


The ANC must have heaved a sigh of political relief on Friday, after the Constituti­onal Court in Zimbabwe rubber-stamped the presidenti­al election in early July won by their ZanuPF comrade, Emmerson Mnangagwa. The South African ruling party was so uncomforta­ble with allegation­s that Zanu-PF had stolen yet another Zimbabwe poll – taking its de facto one party state towards its 40th year – that it refused to respond when these allegation­s were brought to its attention in early July by the Zimbabwean opposition, the Movement for Democratic Change Alliance (MDC-A).

So, President Cyril Ramaphosa could attend the official inaugurati­on of Emmerson Mnangagwa with what the ANC believes is a clean conscience.

The court decision was not unexpected, given that the judiciary is still a Zanu-PF lapdog.

However, having said that, the MDC – despite the presence of South African legal luminaries like Dali Mpofu – failed to produce convincing evidence that the poll result was doctored.

However, some weeks ago, we spoke to the first head of the South African Independen­t Electoral Commission, retired judge Johann Kriegler, who told us that Zanu-PF would have been foolish to try and steal the election on the day of the poll, or in the counting procedures.

Kriegler said he believed the Zanu-PF plan was much more thorough, subtle and running for some time.

Zanu-PF dominates the security system in Zimbabwe and so intimidati­on would never really be probed or countered.

The worry for South Africa is that the ANC clearly admires Zanu-PF as a “revolution­ary” party and that it may be learning the subtle ways of its comrades in how to subvert the will of a people when your support starts to wane.

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