The Citizen (KZN)

Scotsman makes a stand on Brexit

WISHART QUESTIONS HIS PARTY’S BACKING Supporting ‘second confirmato­ry vote could undercut Scottish independen­ce goal’.

- Edinburgh

Asenior member of the Scottish National Party has questioned his party’s backing for a second vote on European Union (EU) membership, arguing that it could undermine its Scottish (SNP) independen­ce goal.

In a rare public sign of dissent Pete Wishart, an SNP lawmaker in Britain’s national parliament, said in a newspaper column that supporting a second “confirmato­ry” referendum could undercut his party’s goal of secession from the UK by inviting comparison.

Infighting in Prime Minister Theresa May’s Conservati­ves is complicati­ng her efforts to reach a deal in time for Brexit day on March 2019. The SNP, Scotland’s biggest party, said this month it would back a second referendum on the issue – although Scotland already voted to keep its EU membership in 2016.

Up to now, the SNP had been one of the most unified parties on Brexit, supporting Britain’s continued membership of the single market and customs union.

“There is now a view amongst the politician­s leading the ‘People’s Vote’ [second EU referendum] campaign that all big constituti­onal referendum­s should now have a ‘confirmato­ry’ second vote,” Wishart wrote in Scottish newspaper The National.

“By enthusiast­ically buying into this ‘confirmato­ry’ vote for an EU referendum, we weaken our hand in resisting unionist calls for a second vote on a successful [independen­ce referendum].”

In the UK’s 2016 referendum on EU membership, a majority of voters in Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain in the bloc, while England – by far the most populous of the home nations – and Wales voted to leave.

May has consistent­ly ruled out the idea of a second Brexit referendum while Labour, whose ranks are also divided, has dithered over the issue. –

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