The Citizen (KZN)

New Year’s resolution: make Bafana a force


New year, new… I know you are probably tired of hearing these words as they seem to be uttered in abundance at this time of the year. But I urge you to be a little lenient for me, and hear me out.

One of my main wishes for the new year is for Bafana Bafana to resolve to become a better team. A team who doesn’t disappoint as often as they do. A team who make all South Africans proud. A team who win even under trying conditions (read astroturf pitches). A team who don’t have parties after bad results but silently reflect on what they could have done better.

We have survived years of disappoint­ment with Bafana and I think we deserve better in 2019. It has after all now been 23 years since Bafana won anything – yes, I am referring to the 1996 Afcon triumph.

That should be fading in our memories now but because there has not been any favourable new memories to replace it, we still hold on to it. But with the start the team had under Stuart Baxter, beating Nigeria 2-0 away, one has to hope the tide is turning and that better things are in store for us.

I know I berated the team after failing to beat Libya and Seychelles in their bid to qualify for this year’s Afcon, but that was last year and now all is forgiven. I have renewed hope that they will beat Libya away and make us proud.

My second wish is for our players to have a good look at themselves and see if they are giving as much as they should in ensuring that Bafana are again a force @SbongsKaDo­nga in continenta­l and internatio­nal football. It has been too long that we have been whipping boys. Even small countries like Madagascar now fancy their chances when they are drawn against us. That should be shameful for them.

We have constantly berated them and called them names for dropping their standards in recent years, but it is high time we build them up and cheer them on to greatness.

I strongly believe we have the kind of players capable of up- lifting the standard and becoming internatio­nally recognised names just like Lucas Radebe, Phil Masinga and Mark Fish were.

We can still have more than 10 players playing in the top leagues in Europe. I say this not because I rate European football higher than anyone else but because that is where all the best players are setting the trends and breaking and setting records like they are going out of fashion.

I wish we could have players going over there and making an impact. I don’t mean any disrespect to those who have come back after short stints overseas but we need more to stick it out and fight until they gain prominence and recognitio­n and become regulars.

My third wish is for all the African giants to awaken once again. We once had teams capable of being world-beaters such as the likes of Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal and Zambia but they seem to have fizzled out a little over the years. I believe we have the talent to have at least one African team reach the final in the next World Cup.

But for that to happen we will need good administra­tion and proper running of our affairs. After all, it is not only about what happens on the pitch but off-field issues have proved detrimenta­l to our progress as a continent in world football.

Happy new year to everyone reading this column on this beautiful Saturday, I hope the year brings joy and happiness. Keep reading your favourite newspaper the Saturday Citizen to stay fully informed on issues around you.

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