The Citizen (KZN)

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Mr Bheki Cele says he will halve crime in 10 years. He needs to follow the doctrine of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and a life for a life”. That way he’ll do it in three.


So, our illustriou­s Minister of Police Bheki Cele can solve our crime problem in 10 years. Why hasn’t he done so already? What is he waiting for to get started? A bigger hat, maybe?

Tony Kmhwa

The police minister says he will drop crime by 50%. By then we are all dead. Why can’t he do it in two years and drop it to about 40%, but he must start on his own doorstep. Cleaning out his own corrupt people will be a good start.


I thoroughly enjoyed Michel Bega’s “Blazing a trail” pictures. What a pleasant change to see people running for the pure joy of it, and not because their lives depend on it.

John Bam

Regarding the taxi violence commission. It’s just a waste of money. Just deal with perpetrato­rs and lock them up.

C Kodisang

To hell with sport, concentrat­e on convicting and jailing criminals.

Jenny Downs

Zimbabwe, please just bury your newfound national hero wherever and whenever and get back to repairing the damage he did to what is left of the 1980 bread basket of Africa.

Rhodesian old boy.

Julius Malema clearly associates himself with Robert Mugabe’s statement that the only good white man is a dead one. All white people wishing to visit or invest in South Africa need to know that this is the attitude of the leader of the third largest political party in South Africa.


Should the burning of oilfields in Saudi Arabia not be brought under control, the world will experience a similar depression as in the ’70s.


Show me a lousy VW advert and I’ll tell you it’s fake news.

Des du Triou

An SMS tells us that there is a shortage of police vehicles. If that is correct, why do we see so many of them being used for grocery shopping at Pick n Pay in Sharon Park, Springs?

Peter Denton

Come on eNCA, don’t threaten to stop covering the EFF, please do it so that us, your viewers, don’t have to change channels whenever you show Malema, Ndlozi and all the rest of them standing on their “soap boxes “raving and ranting!

Barrie B

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