The Citizen (KZN)

Chester’s image set to inspire the team

- Rudolph Jacobs

While most eyes in the rugby world will be on the World Cup opening ceremony in Japan today, it is the clash between the Springboks and the All Blacks tomorrow which has created the most interest on the eve of the tournament.

Providing even more inspiratio­n for the SA squad, it was confirmed this week that the image of late Bok wing Chester Williams would be embedded on the team jersey for their crunch opening fixture.

Bok prop Frans Malherbe, a survivor from the 2015 World Cup, admitted they had been caught up somewhat in the hype around the prestigiou­s event.

They had been able to shut out unnecessar­y distractio­ns, however, and focus on the game, which could ultimately decide the Pool B winners.

“The first week-and-a-half was very tough and humid and some guys shed some weight, which isn’t always a bad thing, but it’s been a lot cooler the last few days,” said Malherbe, who has earned 32 caps for the Boks.

“But we had good preparatio­n in those first 10 days on what the weather might hold in store for us.”

Surprising­ly, Malherbe felt the build-up did not differ much from the previous World Cup in England four years ago where the Boks had finished third after losing to the All Blacks in the semifinals. “It’s difficult to compare this campaign to the one in 2015, not only because it was four years ago, but the focus is more or less the same and the build-up has been very similar,” he said.

“Where it obviously differs is the different coaching teams and a few different players.”

While the magnitude of tomorrow’s clash has gripped everybody in the squad, Malherbe said they remained focussed and composed.

“The World Cup is about more than just this weekend,” he said.

“There are still three more pool games left before we can start thinking about what happens next, so it’s important to not look too far ahead.”

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