The Citizen (KZN)

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So, no rugby on SABC. Time to stop paying TV licences. What do they do for the sport lovers? They can go love themselves.


So, the SABC can’t afford to broadcast the Springboks because they stole our licence fees. Let’s make them pay. At R265 per licence it only takes under 400 000 people to recover R100 million. Like e-tolls, it’s easy.


Just a thought: when one considers the unifying effect our Springbok team has on the entire nation, and now this unfortunat­e decision not to show anything on national TV, the SABC is showing us their true colours.


The choice the SABC made by not wanting to cover the Springbok rugby matches at the World Cup was not wise. They could have made millions in advertisin­g, helping their cash flow. You can’t fix dumb.


Mbeki, as with Zuma, lives in la-la land! Stating “not one Zimbabwean wanted Mugabe ousted”. Did he not notice the empty stadium?


Peter Denton, at Eden Meadows in Edenvale I’ve seen wives and girlfriend­s using police vehicles to do their shopping. It must be standard to do this.


The statement by the late Robert Mugabe – “the only good white man is a dead one' – and supported by Julius Malema. Is this not tantamount to hate speech?


We already have a society where no one is accountabl­e for their actions. Yet again parents are having their rights to reasonable discipline of their children removed.


Constituti­onal Court rules “no spanking of children”. Spare the rod and spoil the child. One can already see the results of this in the unruly behaviour of school children.

Nicky Oelofse

Corporal punishment in the home not allowed. In other words, parents will have to deal with what teachers have had to put up with for years – threats, challenges and cheekiness – for the exact same reason.


Your editorial “Pass-the-buck Pandor out of line” refers: her remarks, especially as minister of internatio­nal relations and cooperatio­n, just go to show how low the ANC will stoop to shift blame. Has she perhaps opened SA’s version of pandor-as’ box for the world to see?

John Bam

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