The Citizen (KZN)

Inflation has an effect on love lives


– In South America’s capital of romance, Argentine lovers are cutting back on one important cost: contracept­ion.

Amid a biting recession, a sharp currency devaluatio­n and painful inflation, sales of condoms and birth control pills have tumbled, pharmacist­s and manufactur­ers say.

“The devaluatio­n of the peso is killing me,” actor and comic Guillermo Aquino jests in one viral video, in which a young man apologises to a potential partner, saying he has only one condom left until the end of the year.

“I love you, it’s not you, it’s the socio-economic situation,” adds the humorist.

Underneath the comedy is a bleaker reality.

South American’s second biggest economy is expected to shrink 2.6% this year and is grappling with 50%-plus inflation. The peso currency has lost two thirds of its value against the dollar since the start of 2018, hammering imports and consumptio­n.

Domestic sales of cars, wines and meat have dipped as wallets have been squeezed. Industry sources estimated condom sales are down 8% since the start of the year compared to 2018, and have fallen by a quarter over recent months as the economic crisis has worsened.

Most condoms, or the materials needed to make them, are imported, so a weaker currency has an immediate impact on the price, up some 36% since the start of the year, said Felipe Kopelowicz, president of Kopelco, manufactur­er of Tulipan and Gentleman condom brands.

Sales of birth control pills are also down – 6% for the year and by a fifth more recently, pharmacist­s said.

Isabel Reinoso, president of the Argentina Pharmaceut­ical Confederat­ion, said price rises meant thousands of women were going off the pill. “It’s around 144 000 women who have stopped taking contracept­ives each month,” she said.

Experts said the issue could aggravate levels of sexually transmitte­d disease.

“When you’re just thinking about getting by day to day, health is often relegated and sexual health, which is still taboo and has little support, even more so,” said Mar Lucas, programme director at Fundacion Huesped, an Argentine non-profit organisati­on fighting HIV.

The government does distribute free condoms in public hospitals, but few know about it, she said.

“We know they are rarely used, misused and used inconsiste­ntly. And so we keep having a lot of sexually transmitte­d infections,” added Lucas. –

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