The Citizen (KZN)

France risks sperm shortage


– France risks a shortage of frozen sperm if lawmakers approve new legislatio­n that allows single women and lesbian couples access to in vitro fertilisat­ion (IVF) and abolishes the right of sperm and egg donors to keep their identities secret, clinicians said.

Lawmakers in the country’s National Assembly yesterday started debating a bioethics Bill that unwinds some of western Europe’s strictest rules governing medically assisted pregnancie­s, a campaign promise of President Emmanuel Macron.

Under existing law in France, IVF is available only to opposite-sex couples, and only for reasons of infertilit­y, or the risk of transmissi­on of a disease or medical condition to the child, or either parent.

Health Minister Agnes Buzyn forecasts a roughly two-thirds increase in demand for IVF procedures, with an extra 2 000 women annually registerin­g for treatment.

Couples already wait an average of 12 months from registrati­on to their first attempt at IVF.

Clinicians at France’s network of public sperm banks (CECOS) said the supply of cryopreser­ved sperm only just meets demand.

Moreover, they predict lifting donor anonymity could prompt three-quarters of registered male and female donors to deny clinics the use of their sperm and eggs under the new rules.

“To say ‘everything is going to be okay’ would be burying your head in the sand,” said Nathalie Rives, president of the CECOS federation.

“There will be a period of instabilit­y, with increased demand and the need to recruit new donors. We don’t know how long this instabilit­y will last and whether there will be a shortage.”

The bioethics Bill, which would also allow women to freeze their eggs for nonmedical reasons to enhance their chances of having children, is Macron’s first major societal reform.

Medically assisted reproducti­on – such as IVF – is widely available to all women in countries such as Britain, Belgium and Spain. But in France, it has fed into a broader debate about the commercial­isation of healthcare and gay rights.

“The right to know one’s origins is a vital right, a fundamenta­l right,” said Arthur Kermalveze­n, 35, who turned to DNA tests to track down his biological father and has campaigned for the lifting of anonymity.

The legalisati­on of gay marriage in France six years ago sparked massive street protests, even though the influence of the Catholic Church was thought to be in decline.

Professor Rachel Levy, who runs the CECOS centre at the Tenon Hospital in Paris, said donor anonymity would remain in place for 13 months after the legislatio­n comes into effect in an effort to help sperm banks build up stocks. –

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