The Citizen (KZN)

Catholic Church crisis


- Vatican City

Centuries-old custom of celibacy cited as argument against suggestion.

An idea to fill empty pulpits in remote locations by allowing married men to become priests is bitterly dividing a Vatican assembly, with critics warning the emotive issue could fracture the Catholic Church.

The hot-button topic of whether an exception can be made to the centuries-old custom of celibacy in places where there is a shortage of priests has dominated the start of the three-week synod on the Pan-Amazonian region.

Austro-Brazilian bishop Erwin Krautler said this week he estimated about two-thirds of the bishops in the region support the idea of viri probati (married “men of proven virtue”) as candidates for priesthood.

“There is no other option, indigenous peoples are clearly asking for it,” said the former bishop of Xingu in Brazil.

Pope Francis has suggested those at the assembly consider the possibilit­y of ordaining married men for remote locations, such as the Amazon or the Pacific Islands, where communitie­s seldom have Mass due to a lack of priests.

Only priests can consecrate the Eucharist, which is a key part of Catholic Mass.

Krautler and other supporters of the idea say the Eucharist is more important than celibacy, which is not a church law and only dates back to the 11th century.

“Just as the magnificen­t jaguar faces exile from its habitat, the ecclesiast­ical ecosystem no longer manages to arouse and support enough priestly and religious vocations,” a person who attended the synod debates cited an unnamed Spanish-language bishop as saying.

“We are witnessing a sort of deforestat­ion of Catholic culture.”

The synod’s chair, Brazilian Cardinal Claudio Hummes, said the church needed to “define new paths for the future” in response to the calls not only for married priests, but also for suitable ministries for women in the region.

The Roman Catholic institutio­n is concerned about the sharp increase in the Amazon region of evangelica­l Pentecosta­l churches, which do allow married men to serve as pastors.

But the issue deeply upsets some traditiona­lists, who argue that making an exception for the Amazon would open the door to the end of celibacy for priests.

They say priests are supposed to be married to God.

One of the pope’s fiercest critics, US Cardinal Raymond Burke, called last month for a 40-day “crusade of prayer and fasting” over “serious theologica­l errors and heresies” contained in the working document for the synod.

He made a public appeal to Francis not to allow any exceptions to priestly celibacy.

The hard-conservati­ve wing of the church frequently takes aim at Francis’ papacy, saying he is not outspoken enough on abortion, too compassion­ate towards homosexual­s and divorcees and too accommodat­ing towards Muslims.

 ?? Picture: AFP ?? POPE FRANCIS.

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