The Citizen (KZN)

Nyirenda is learning his lessons

- Sibongisen­i Gumbi

Winning the Telkom Knockout last season was Baroka FC’s biggest achievemen­t in the top flight, but it almost came at a cost. After sending Orlando Pirates packing, Bakgaga struggled in the league and survived relegation on the very last day of league action.

That was, however, something that coach Wedson Nyirenda (right) took in his stride and heeded the lessons going forward, instead of wallowing in the ignominy of it all.

“There is always a learning curve in football,” he said. “I think we learnt some lessons from last season. We have come to this season knowing how to balance things better,” he explained.

Nyirenda says inasmuch as the league is important, smaller clubs also need to show their mettle in cup games and should not let big clubs to enjoy dominance in all spheres of the game.

“This is important because it shows the impetus and pedigree the team has grown into. You have to face the best teams for you to be called a big club. You cannot be playing smaller clubs and say you want to be a big club. It you want to play small clubs then you have to go back to the lower divisions,” he said.

Baroka begin their defence of the TKO against SuperSport United who are fresh – and probably highly confident – from a triumphant MTN8 run but Nyirenda says this plays well for his team.

“It’s not going to be easy for them too. They are champions of the MTN8 so they are looking out for something. For them to win the MTN8 says they are a good team. It makes it easier for us because every player will be motivated playing against a team who have just won a trophy,” he explained.

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