The Citizen (KZN)

Whack ’em at the ballot box

- Cliff Buchler

It’s a miracle. And hard to believe. Yes, SA is still on the map. Still surviving, despite a political system that’s rotten and a breeding ground for incompeten­t and self-serving idiots. And among them brainless street fighters.

How is it that the majority of South Africans who are decent and law-abiding tolerate a parliament that has been transforme­d into a crucible of pigs fodder, gone to the dogs. Sorry, pigs and dogs, the expression­s are probably a bit unjust, but there’s no other way of describing the goings-on of politicos who clearly lack intelligen­ce and common decency.

How long are we going to put up with this sorry state of affairs? Why should we continuous­ly be forced to bear witness to the likes of Julius Malema and his rabble-rousers? What is their claim to fame? What have they contribute­d towards their voters, many of whom are the poorest of the poor? Zilch. All they’re doing is enriching themselves and acting as if they own the country. They don’t deserve the publicity so freely handed to them on a plate by the media. I’m so looking forward to the day headlines reflect their demise and photos of a number of them wearing yellow overalls, having been caught robbing the poor. And I can’t wait to see insolent grins wiped off sweaty faces when handcuffed.

And don’t be misled. They’re not the only bad apples on the benches guilty of disgusting, infantile behaviour. Television cameras show the actions of individual­s in other parties sneering, cat-calling and showing rude hand signs. These are adults, I’ll let you know. They make me think back on my school days when we behaved in similar fashion when teachers weren’t looking. Ignoramuse­s. Childish. Petulant.

And hey, these are the people entrusted to run the country. They are the ones supposed to control vital department­s keeping the machinery going. Their actions in parliament explain why SOEs, et al, are dying a slow death. They’re reliving their school days, refusing to do their homework. And they’re being richly compensate­d. But a number among them, still dissatisfi­ed with healthy packages, participat­e in covert extra-mural activities in the tender sphere.

So don’t let’s spare the rod at the ballot box. These kids deserve to be whacked.

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