The Citizen (KZN)

School tackles online racism



Disciplina­ry action to be taken in line with policy of nonraciali­sm.

Pretoria Boys’ High School is taking steps to address “a number of social media posts” by its pupils containing racist and offensive language. The school was reacting to a video on social media in which some of its pupils make racist comments and jokes.

One can be heard making a comment about “the f ***** g blacks” in the presence of a black pupil, followed by laughter. The comment was seemingly made as a joke, but the school said it did not view it as a laughing matter.

The school issued a statement on Wednesday saying the matter was brought to the attention of headmaster Tony Reeler on Sunday. He reported it to the Gauteng department of education on Monday. Department spokespers­on Steve Mabona yesterday said the department was investigat­ing.

The school said a “series of investigat­ions into the posts were conducted and the parents of the boys were contacted”.

Meetings with the boys’ parents were held within 24 hours of the matter being brought to the school’s attention.

“It has been determined that disciplina­ry action against the pupils be taken in line with the school’s policies of nonraciali­sm, diversity and tolerance,” the school said.

“Pretoria Boys’ High School takes these incidents extremely seriously and we are deeply saddened by the behaviour of these pupils.”

The school added that it was committed to an ongoing programme to foster diversity, tolerance and understand­ing in all spheres of life. “We are grateful to those many boys who embody this spirit of a nonracial society.” Pretoria News reported that the pupil who posted it on social media said he was initially scared to post it for fear of being expelled.

But the school reportedly posted a statement reassuring him: “We noticed you feel you may be expelled for posting racially offensive posts by some pupils. We wish to assure you this is not the case. We are taking the necessary action against those concerned.”

The school’s statement elicited disparate comments. One comment read: “What steps are being taken so this doesn’t happen again? Or is this where it ends? A statement, a student being suspended and tomorrow we move on?”

– News24 Wire

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