The Citizen (KZN)

EFF still going for Gordhan

- Bernade e Wicks

The red berets are baying for Pravin Gordhan’s blood again and this time they want the public enterprise­s minister fired in the wake of his evidence at the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture this week.

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) say Gordhan “admitted” to the existence of a “mafia-run” unit at the South African Revenue Services (Sars).

But that’s not exactly how it went down.

Gordhan took the stand to be cross-examined by former Sars commission­er Tom Moyane’s advocate, Dali Mpofu, on Monday, when he confirmed the existence of what was initially the special projects unit and later the high-risk investigat­ions unit – better known as the Sars “rogue unit” – during his time as commission­er at the revenue service.

He also confirmed his involvemen­t in its establishm­ent.

And he maintained the unit was perfectly legal.

The EFF said in a statement on Monday that Gordhan had conceded “a unit that was initially to be under the National Intelligen­ce Agency [NIA] found place within Sars and was designed to survey and trace activities of persons covertly”.

The party said this revealed Gordhan as “a man characteri­sed by unlawfulne­ss and thuggery” – and demanded he be removed from Cabinet “on charges of espionage for turning Sars into a spy unit”.

However, in 2016, then Hawks boss Lieutenant-Berning Ntlemeza sent the minister a now infamous list of 27 questions.

Gordhan said in a statement then that it had become apparent to Sars it had to “enhance the capacity to gather intelligen­ce and investigat­e organised crime”.

“It decided in about February 2007 a unit to penetrate and intercept the activities of tax- and customs-related crime syndicates.

“Its initial intention was to employ and train members of the unit and then to transfer them to NIA where they would continue to function as a unit dedicated to Sars,” the statement read.

Mpofu read that statement on Monday and Gordhan indicated he stood by it.

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