The Citizen (KZN)

Surviving on a wing and many prayers


Grottaferr­ata – In an ancient monastery behind huge medieval battlement­s in a hilltop town just south of Rome, 10 monks are striving to keep alive a 1 600-year-old spiritual tradition against increasing odds.

Aged between 23 and 89, they are among Italy’s last Byzantine-rite Basilian monks – adherents of an order founded by St Basil in 356 in present-day Turkey who still follow his ascetic regimen of prayer and work.

Brother Claudio Corsaro, 27, abandoned a promising career as an opera singer to become a monk. The only singing he does now is in the chapel.

“I was only six when I felt the Lord for the first time but I fully realised my vocation many years later, when I had already started my singing career,” he said.

Corsaro and his confreres dress in the habit of orthodox churchmen, including black robes and the traditiona­l flat-topped round hat.

Basilian monk St Nilus founded the Grottaferr­ata abbey in 1004, 50 years before the Great Schism of 1054 split Eastern and Western Christiani­ty.

At the time, the Grottaferr­ata monks chose to remain faithful to the pope in Rome rather than switch allegiance to the newly establishe­d orthodox patriarch in Constantin­ople, now Istanbul.

However, they worship in the Eastern, Byzantine rite, including saying the Divine Liturgy, their version of the Mass, in ancient Greek. Catholics in the West say the Mass in local languages and occasional­ly Latin.

The daily regimen starts at 5.30am with individual prayer and communal worship. Then there is work in the vegetable garden and olive groves, painting icons, study and house chores. Lunch is followed by rest, vespers, more work, more prayer and then early to bed.

Most of the monks have connection­s to tiny ethnic Greek or Albanian communitie­s in southern Italy.

Brother Filippo Pecoraro, 23, was raised in an Italo-Albanian family in Sicily and is from the Arbereshe people who fled Ottoman invasions of the Balkans between the 14th and 18th centuries.

“I grew up in an environmen­t very close to the church,” Pecoraro said.

The young blood has not stopped the order’s numbers from shrinking.

Nonetheles­s, Corsaro believes preserving the ancient tradition is his calling.

“I feel like someone the Lord has chosen.”

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