The Citizen (KZN)

Juju takes defamation action to Bloem

- Citizen reporter

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema is taking his defamation fight against former MP Thembinkos­i Rawula to the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfonte­in.

He accused Rawula of tarnishing his political image, the SABC reported.

In November, 2019, the High Court in the Eastern Cape dismissed a defamation case against the former party MP.

“It’s not an EFF initiative, it’s between me and him,” Malema said at the time.

Rawula had published, then deleted, a social media post in which he made damning allegation­s against Malema and party deputy president Floyd Shivambu earlier in the year.

On social media following the ruling, Rawula said: “While the defamatory case against me has been dismissed with contempt by PE High Court, I am still studying the judgment.”

Malema approached the courts following allegation­s made by Rawula that he and Shivambu had taken money from VBS Bank.

Rawula called Malema and Shivambu “the pair”, and alleged the EFF was like a “financial fishing net” for them, “an antithesis of everything they support”.

He alleged: “The political overview of Julius Malema in the most recent CCT [central command team] meeting admitted to EFF taking [now-liquidated] VBS money to finance the revolution. In fact, [Malema] said, ‘sometimes we are forced to kiss dogs or [the] devil to get funding’. The VBS money was done under the full knowledge of the leadership.”

He also alleged that Malema and Shivambu had been abusing millions in party funds, particular­ly from the levies the party imposed on its elected representa­tives and constituen­cy funds received from Treasury.

“All these monies are centralise­d in the EFF under the control, abuse and dictatorsh­ip of Julius Malema and Floyd Shivambu. This pair has made it clear, this is their organisati­on, and all of you have come to join us, not the other way round.”

He listed a number of alleged methods they used to gain personal access to money from legislatur­es and parliament, thus supposedly sidesteppi­ng Treasury laws.

The EFF subsequent­ly dismissed his allegation­s as lies driven by him not having made the cut to return to parliament, which he denied.

Money EFF took from VBS Bank was to finance revolution.

Thembinkos­i Rawula former MP

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