The Citizen (KZN)


Body Goals

- – Citizen reporter

Here are some tips to impart on a couple of things that I have tested that have helped me stick to my body goals.

1 Realistic goals

If you have 20kgs to lose, your goal is not realistic if you want to lose the entire 20kg in two to three months. If you aim for a loss of 3-5kgs in eight to 12 weeks of hard work, then that is a lot more realistic.

2 Food diary

Write everything you eat for a full month. That will help you pick up where you are going wrong with your diet. After a full month of writing down what you eat, visit a dietician with your booklet and ask them to give recommenda­tions.

3 Meal preparatio­n

Meal preparatio­n will help you avoid eating the wrong foods or overeating.


Support structure

I have found that if you have a couple of accountabi­lity “buddies”, it makes the journey more fun and interestin­g.

a. The Foodie Buddy

This is the friend to chat to daily about what food you are both eating every day. You can also exchange recipes.

b. The Fitness Buddy

Chat on a daily basis about your exercise plans. After each activity, send each other statistics from your workout.

c. The Sleep Habits Buddy

Checking in with your sleep buddy every morning and evening will help keep this on track.

d. Mental Health buddy

Having a mental health buddy to confide in about any stressful situations can help. If your stress levels are high, a monthly or quarterly psychologi­st visit may help.

Whether it’s a summer, winter, autumn or spring body that you are working on, these tips will ensure you are on track.

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Picture: iStock

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