The Citizen (KZN)

Don’t go under the knife

MICRO PROCEDURES: DONE WHILE PATIENT IS CONSCIOUS OR UNDER MINOR SEDATION Women who are unable to conceive have non-surgical option available.

- Citizen reporter

Less physically traumatic than open surgery

The pioneering field of interventi­onal radiology is opening up new treatment possibilit­ies, precisely targeting health problems that often lie deep within the body – without the need for invasive traditiona­l surgery.

Recently, the scope of what is being achieved with these micro procedures has extended even further to include procedures for highly targeted treatment of liver cancer, and for identifyin­g and remedying a relatively common cause of infertilit­y in women.

Diagnostic and interventi­onal radiologis­t and the founder of The Microsurge­ry Dr Gary Sudwarts, who practises at a number of Netcare hospitals, said: “Today, micro-invasive treatments are helpful for a wide range of conditions, from fibroids, prostatic enlargemen­t, advanced pelvic cancers, and delivering cancer treatments to a diverse array of interventi­onal radiology procedures in the chest and abdomen.”

Using imaging equipment, including specialise­d x-rays, a thin catheter wire is inserted into an artery through a tiny puncture in the patient’s skin and carefully directed to the relevant site in the body for treatment.

In the case of artery embolisati­on procedures, tiny particles are released at the site to starve the lesion of blood supply, causing it to wither and become harmless. Chemo-embolisati­on procedures deliver a dose of chemothera­py right to the blood vessels supplying the tumour.

These micro procedures are performed while the patient remains conscious, or under minor sedation if needed.

A distinct advantage of interventi­onal radiology approaches is that procedures are non-surgical and, therefore, less physically traumatic than traditiona­l open surgery.

Micro procedures do not incur many of the risks associated with open surgery and do not require general anaestheti­c. Often the recovery is quicker and the hospital stay reduced, compared with traditiona­l open surgeries.

“In the past, such options were usually reserved for inoperable conditions and for patients who could not tolerate anaestheti­c well or had other risk factors that otherwise precluded them from surgery,” said Sudwarts.

“Developmen­ts in the field in recent years have opened many new applicatio­ns for these least invasive interventi­ons. Now, interventi­onal radiology is increasing­ly recommende­d as a first line treatment for patients in appropriat­e instances, with a growing list of applicatio­ns.”

Sudwarts is known for raising awareness of uterine fibroids with symptoms that include heavy menstrual bleeding, abdominal pain and bloating that can cause infertilit­y. “Previously, women would have had to undergo open surgery, often a hysterecto­my, to find relief from uterine fibroids. Now, the minimally invasive uterine fibroid embolisati­on procedures allow for the condition to be treated without sacrificin­g fertility in the childbeari­ng years,” he said.

There are many possible causes of infertilit­y. Following a gynaecolog­ist or fertility specialist’s comprehens­ive assessment and diagnosis, women who are unable to conceive due to a blockage in their fallopian tubes now have an advanced non-surgical option available.

Sudwarts and Dr Maja Wojno recently became the first interventi­onal radiologis­ts to offer fallopian tube recanalisa­tion in sub-Saharan Africa in a procedure performed at Netcare Park Lane Hospital in Johannesbu­rg.

So far, more than 20 women have undergone the procedure successful­ly. “The fallopian tubes are crucial to fertility and if they become blocked, commonly due to clusters or casts of cells, fertilisat­ion cannot take place.

“This micro procedure to reopen the fallopian tubes is painless and does not require the patient to stay over in hospital or take additional recovery time off work.”

The procedure is available to women through The Microsurge­ry at Netcare Christiaan Barnard Memorial, Netcare UCT Private Academic, Netcare uMhlanga Hospital, and Netcare Park Lane Hospital.

In a first for Cape Town, Sudwarts and Wojno recently performed a highly specialise­d transarter­ial chemo-embolisati­on (Tace) with Lipiodol; a micro-invasive procedure for multifocal hepatocell­ular carcinoma, the most common type of primary liver cancer, at UCT Private Academic Hospital.

“The aim of the Tace procedure is to deliver a very high dose chemothera­py directly to the cancer cells in the liver. Usually, this kind of cancer is inoperable, and unfortunat­ely patients tend to be diagnosed once it has already started to progress.”

Following the SA Health Regulatory Authority’s recent approval of an advanced combined contrast agent – chemothera­py vehicle and embolic agent known as Lipiodol Ultra Fluid – Sudwarts and Wojno used this triple-action fluid in the procedure to precisely target the cancerous cells in the liver.

“The micro-invasive Tace is extremely safe and not painful, and it can be effective in decreasing the size of the tumour or extent of metastases, improving patients’ quality of life and survival prospects. This treatment is available through The Microsurge­ry at Netcare UCT Private Academic and Netcare Christiaan Barnard Memorial hospitals.”

Jacques du Plessis, managing director of Netcare’s hospital division, congratula­ted the two doctors and the team for continuall­y seeking new and effective treatments for patients.

“The world-class micro-invasive options made possible through interventi­onal radiology have revolution­ised treatments for a wide range of conditions, and we are grateful for the specialist­s’ dedication to bringing the advantages of these treatment modalities to patients,” Du Plessis said. –

 ?? ?? PIONEERS. Radiologis­ts Dr Maja Wojno and Dr Gary Sudwarts.
PIONEERS. Radiologis­ts Dr Maja Wojno and Dr Gary Sudwarts.
 ?? ?? Picture: iStock
Picture: iStock

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