The Citizen (KZN)

Can I make a second withdrawal?

- Devon Card Card is a certified financial planner at Crue Invest.

A Moneyweb reader asked: I am in financial distress as I’m unemployed. I have made a once-off withdrawal of one third from my preservati­on fund with Old Mutual. Can make another withdrawal, but not the whole amount?

The answer:

Preservati­on funds are specifical­ly designed to preserve accumulate­d capital which is intended for retirement and are attractive options for those leaving employment through retrenchme­nt, resignatio­n, or dismissal. All preservati­on fund product providers are subject to the same regulatory framework, with the Pension Funds Act and Income Tax Act being the most important.

One of the most notable advantages of a preservati­on fund is that owners are permitted to make a once-off total or partial withdrawal from their preservati­on fund prior to the age of 55, which is subject to tax, with the first R25 000 being tax-free.

As a preservati­on fund investor, you will only be able to access the balance of your funds after the age of 55.

Unfortunat­ely, as you have already made use of your once-off withdrawal allowance, you won’t be permitted to make another.

The earliest time that you can access these funds is when you reach age 55.

If your preservati­on fund balance exceeds R247 500 when you retire, you are permitted to make a one-third cash withdrawal, which will be taxed accordingl­y. Thereafter, you are required to use the remaining two-thirds to purchase a life or living annuity.

Subsequent to the retirement fund harmonisat­ion legislatio­n which took effect in May 2021, your accumulate­d interest in a provident preservati­on fund plus any future growth on those benefits as at February 2021, will be given vested rights and you will still be entitled to commute up to 100% of these vested benefits.

If the value of your preservati­on fund is less than R247 500 at retirement, you are permitted to make a full withdrawal.

Our advice is to find an independen­t financial advisor who can help you navigate the financial distress that you find yourself in and explore alternativ­e solutions.

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