The Citizen (KZN)

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Regarding Farmgate, when will Cyril Ramaphosa’s answers to the 31 questions put to him by the NPA be made public? It is not as though the answers will pose a threat to national security.

Le Roux

The biggest problem with the ANC is that they’ve come to realise that their votes come mostly from unemployed people who are receiving grants. These people are, in fact, slaves to the system and even prisoners are allowed to vote. So there is no future for them creating jobs and for people to become independen­t and no longer need to vote for a party which have passed its sell-by date.


The DA’s leadership is not inspiratio­nal. I urge them to take note of Richard Chemaly’s column in Monday’s The Citizen. There is simply no one in the hopeless ANC to succeed the hopeless Ramaphosa. Barney

Vala Zonke, another day, another slogan and nothing will happen. Now, again, the private sector is approached to assist. Why doesn’t this government just step down and hand over to the private sector? Then we may survive.


Meetings and more meetings. When are our officials actually going to start working for the salaries they earn? Our environmen­t and service delivery is deteriorat­ing at a very fast pace. There is also a desperate need to educate the masses, in plain language, how economics and the finances of our country work.


The DNA testing backlog increases by more than 30 000 in one month but, in the same breath, our Cat-in-the-Hat tries to take the public for idiots by saying the backlog is being cleared.


The Citizen, thank you for Carl Niehaus’ response. Funniest thing I’ve read for a long time. Mene mene tekel, upharsin are so apt because it applies to him and Zuma. You can’t run forever.


According to comrade Niehaus, millions of people saw him and his seven fellows protesting against comrades during his #RamaphosaM­ustGo protest. So what? The viewers probably had a good laugh. JP

Brendan Seery, now you’ve hit another cord with me. I can only hope that Nocawa earns the same amount for doing the same job as the men and not because they see her as a way of cheap labour because she’s a female.


Our nation is divided into two major groups: easy attitude such as complainin­g, blaming, lying, cheating and pretending. Positive attitude: learning, inspiring, helping, giving and mentoring. Where do you fit in?


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