The Citizen (KZN)




1. Unpalatabl­e and unbelievab­le councillor dismissed (8)

5. Vinegary recluse banishes son (6)

9. Where to see batter expand (8)

10. One finances bread supplier recruiting 100 (6)

12. German song told story (4)

13. Builder’s mate played with son twice (10)

15. Stock controller ordered a brace to be refitted (3,4,6)

19. Photograph­er’s responsibi­lity? Astronomic­al phenomena (8,5)

23. Rich lady worked with us in study of fluids (10)

25. Service sort of square buoyant structure (4)

28. Face city centre with girl


briefly (6) 1. I go round disregardi­ng

29. Work with guy is beginning rare sign of winter (6) to mar feeling of hope (8) 2. Host trio of Europeans

30. Stripper isn’t bothered winning medal (5) about snooty duke (6) 3. Couple ran across one

31. Coy nurse trained to be heading north (4) the centre of attention (8) 4. Start to open boring new

hotels in African state (7)

6. Clubs damage entrance (5)

7. Site a desk askew to show preference for one camp (4,5)

8. Carry on busily nursing old clot perhaps (8)

11. Joint mostly was aware of saving energy (4)

14. One’s often spoiled flyer radical dropped in (4)

15. British group defends route for fast transmissi­on system (9)

16. Follow setter perhaps (3)

17. Chop up end of term paper (4)

18. This funny chap entertains one from Corinth, say (8)

20. Steel industry holds up feature with banks in Africa (4)

21. Choose, for example, Spooner’s wages when unwell (4,3)

22. Spread 3s around rear of city block (6)

24. Idiot restricts main artery that’s faulty (5)

26. Commercial that is superior yet so long (5)

27. Farm store partly demolished after being erected (4)

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