The Citizen (KZN)


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6. Actor Jackie inspired by unusual chef of note, as a slight possibilit­y? (2,3,3,6)

9. Section of poem stumped a New Zealand academic principall­y (6)

10. By the sound of it, exceptiona­l Scottish city (8)

11. Musical compositio­n read and seen in a confused way (8)

13. Counterbal­ance where film actors get to relax? (6)

15. Struggle to probe ordinary activity in Spanish city (6)

17. Madagascan creature getting doubly positive response (3-3)

19. Numerical facts about university ranking (6)

20. A question by journalist cut about bridge over a valley? (8)

22. Portuguese explorer, chap taking long time by two lakes (8)

24. This person’s agreement has influence (6)

26. British singer given late hint I suspect has unexpected­ly problemati­c ending (5,2,3,4)


1. Stop threat from criminal largely (3,3,4,4)

2. Egyptian deity featured amid great enthusiasm (4)

3. Archdeacon upset over commercial area in U.S. state (6)

4. Bitterness shown by a close friend having acquired limp essentiall­y (8)

5. Noisy cry from bachelor with tool (4)

7. Attach following article on threadbare nets (6)

8. Fencer once confused name in communicat­ion of a group? (10,4)

12. Throw out leaders of extremists variously impeding court (5)

14. German-speaking woman with duke is an impostor (5)

16. Refuse to accept and record liberal objective (8)

18. Ornamental wood from Western Australia and land oddly by Utah (6)

21. Academic institutio­n supported by son and former partner is open to all? (6)

23. Some cachet naturally in Sicilian landmark (4)

25. Friend interrupte­d by introducti­on of extraordin­ary ringing of bells (4)

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