The Citizen (KZN)

Elite unit to probe Prasa, home affairs

- Nicholas Zaal

The Special Investigat­ing Unit (SIU) has been authorised to investigat­e allegation­s of maladminis­tration and unlawful conduct by officials at the department of home affairs and the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa).

President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed two proclamati­ons authorisin­g probes. The unit also has the goal of recovering any financial losses of the state going back at least 10 years in the case of homes affairs and 14 years in the case of Prasa.

“The SIU will also investigat­e improper or unlawful conduct by officials or employees of home affairs in relation to the installati­on of T200 firewalls,” a statement from the SIU read.

“Proclamati­on 154 of 2024 empowers the SIU to probe serious maladminis­tration in connection with the affairs of home affairs relating to the issuance of permanent residence permits; corporate visas; business visas; critical/exceptiona­l skills work visas; study visas; retired persons’ visas; work visas; and citizenshi­p by naturalisa­tion, contrary to the Immigratio­n Act, 2002; the SA Citizenshi­p Act, 1995; manuals, guidelines, circulars, practice notes or instructio­ns applicable to Home Affairs; or manuals, policies, procedures, prescripts, instructio­ns or practices of or applicable to the department.”

The proclamati­on covers allegation­s of unlawful and improper conduct between 12 October, 2004 and 16 February, 2024, though investigat­ions also cover dates before or after this period if they are relevant to matters, entities or contracts being investigat­ed.

Proclamati­on 153 of 2024 empowers the SIU to probe offences committed against the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act of 2004 in connection with the affairs of Prasa in relation to the award of tenders for the supply of train locomotive­s to Swifambo Rail Leasing Pty Ltd, and the supply and maintenanc­e of an integrated security access management system at train stations to Siyangena Technologi­es Pty Ltd.

“The SIU will also investigat­e serious maladminis­tration in the affairs of Prasa relating to fraudulent liability claims processed and paid by Prasa’s group insurance department, including claims paid as one time vendor payments. The probe will also extend to ghost employees.

“The proclamati­on covers allegation­s of unlawful and improper conduct that took place between 1 January, 2010 and 16 February, 2024, the date of the publicatio­n of the proclamati­on or before 1 January 2010 and after the date of the Proclamati­on that are relevant to, connected with, incidental to the matters or involves the same persons, entities or contracts investigat­ed.”

Evidence pointing to criminal conduct will be referred to the National Prosecutin­g Authority.

Benoni station lies in ruin despite a promise from Prasa in 2021 that it would be restored by the end of the 2023 fiscal year. But Prasa now says it is in “a design phase” with R7 million earmarked to restore the station.

In January, an Upington home affairs official was bust for allegedly selling illegal identity documents to foreigners. She was caught in action by the Anti-Corruption Investigat­ing Unit.

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