The Citizen (KZN)

Go for cop killers – Cele


- Marizka Coetzer

I am worried about murder of police officers

Of 229 conviction­s, fraud contribute­d highest number – with 63 recorded.

Police Minister Bheki Cele has called on the Hawks to go harder after criminals – especially cop killers – following the release of the Directorat­e for Priority Crime Investigat­ion (DPCI) third quarter of 2023-24 report.

DPCI national head Lieutenant-General Godfrey Lebeya said yesterday that during the past quarter various Hawks investigat­ions led to securing the appearance in court of at least 724 suspects.

“A breakdown of the arrests per crime category and nationalit­y of the 705 natural persons, comprises 582 of which is 82.5%

South Africans and 123, which is 17.5%, foreign nationals,” he said.

Lebeya said the top five national priority offences that contribute­d to a high number of arrests include:

156 (for fraud, of which 15 companies were investigat­ed);

64 (for precious metals and diamonds);

67 (for narcotics);

51 (for non-ferrous metals); and

51 (for corruption).

“During these arrests, the DPCI also seized various exhibits, including precious metals and diamonds, endangered species, vehicles, cash, firearms, ammunition, counterfei­t goods, explosives and electronic devices worth R102 614 521,89,” he said.

Lebeya said out of 229 conviction­s, fraud contribute­d the highest number of conviction­s with a total of 63 conviction­s recorded.

“Precious metals and diamonds is the second highest with a total 45 accused persons, with 11 accused persons for money laundering in terms of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998,” he said.

Lebeya said the Hawks in collaborat­ion with the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU) of the National Prosecutin­g Authority (NPA) secured 92 orders with a monetary value of R39.6 million.

During the quarter, 22 police officials were murdered, 12 were off duty and 10 on duty, with 12 arrests made.

“Furthermor­e, three accused persons were convicted and sentenced to share four life imprisonme­nt and 38 years imprisonme­nt terms,” he said.

Yesterday afternoon at the vehicle handover event for the Hawks, Cele said he looked at the results and was impressed.

“The Hawks seem to doing very well. Head of Hawks, I am very worried about the murder of police,” he said.

Cele said it was the sixth week of the year and he has buried police four weekends in a row.

“I know you are doing well, out of the 22 police killed in the last three months, 12 of those who killed the police were arrested, which is a good response. But we must try to work together on the prevention of the killing of police.”

Cele added that he helped bury another officer this past weekend and already has another funeral coming up next week. “It can’t be okay. This is my call to you, the good work you are already doing, keep it up but we must work harder at the prevention of the killing of the police,” he said.

Cele said criminals have declared war on the police.“You remain the buffer between the safety of the community. Please go harder on those criminals.”

Cele said police shouldn’t let criminals turn communitie­s into red carpets to walk over.

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