The Citizen (KZN)

Luton skipper ‘nearly died’


London – Luton captain Tom Lockyer has revealed his heart stopped for two minutes and 40 seconds during an on-pitch cardiac arrest that left his life in the balance.

Lockyer collapsed in the second half of Luton’s Premier League game against Bournemout­h on 16 December.

The 29-year-old was fitted with an implantabl­e cardiovert­er defibrilla­tor after he was hospitalis­ed for five days following the shocking incident.

Wales defender Lockyer, who also collapsed during Luton’s Championsh­ip play-off final victory against Coventry last season, spoke about his near-death experience prior to his club’s 2-1 defeat against Manchester United on Sunday.

“It was just a normal day, and that was the most worrying thing because I felt completely fine,” he told Sky Sports.

“I was running towards the halfway line and I went really light-headed. I thought I’d be ok in a second but I wasn’t.

“I woke up and the paramedics were there. I knew instantly it was different to my collapse in May. Last time it felt like I woke up from a dream, and this time I woke up from nothingnes­s.

“I could see there was more panic and I was a bit disorienta­ted. I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t move. I was trying to work out what was happening, and I remember thinking, ‘I could be dying here’.”

Lockyer was eventually revived after two minutes and 40 seconds that threatened to end his life.

“I could feel them put the drip in my arm and it was a hard mix of emotions. Eventually I came round and I was able to speak and to respond. When I felt ok, it was a relief.” –

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