The Citizen (KZN)

Angry Iranians show their support


Tehran – Thousands of Iranians took to the streets of Iran early yesterday in a show of support for the unpreceden­ted drone and missile attack under way against arch foe Israel.

“Death to Israel” and “Death to America”, chanted demonstrat­ors in Tehran’s Palestine Square shortly after the Revolution­ary Guards announced the launch of Operation Honest Promise.

A mural saying “the next slap is fiercer” was unveiled in the square where a huge banner has hung for days calling, in Hebrew, for Israelis to “take shelter”.

Demonstrat­ors waved Iranian and Palestinia­n national flags alongside banners reading “God’s victory is near”.

Iran’s attack was in retaliatio­n for a strike on 1 April that levelled the five-storey consular annexe of the Iranian embassy in Damascus and killed seven Revolution­ary Guards, two of them generals.

Tehran has since vowed to avenge the strike which was widely blamed on Israel. Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei pledged that the “evil (Israeli) regime will be punished”.

Iranian media described the attack on Israel as “complex” as it also involved allies in Yemen, Lebanon and Iraq. “This attack did not come from Iran only, and this regime (Israel) is being punished from four directions,” the Tasnim news agency said.

A large crowd of demonstrat­ors gathered outside the British embassy in Tehran.

Supporters of the retaliator­y attack also demonstrat­ed in Iran’s third largest city Isfahan where Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, one of the generals killed in the Damascus strike, is buried.

Demonstrat­ors also gathered near the grave in the southern city of Kerman of prominent Guards commander Qasem Soleimani, who was killed in a 2020 US drone strike in Baghdad.

 ?? Picture: EPA-EFE ?? IN FULL FORCE. People hold Iranian and Palestinia­n flags early yesterday morning during an anti-Israel rally at Palestine Square in Tehran, after Iran launched drone attacks against Israel on Saturday night.
Picture: EPA-EFE IN FULL FORCE. People hold Iranian and Palestinia­n flags early yesterday morning during an anti-Israel rally at Palestine Square in Tehran, after Iran launched drone attacks against Israel on Saturday night.

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