The Citizen (KZN)

Plan to fix local govt


- Lunga Simelane –

Idea is that pooling resources can achieve much more.

With the state of many municipali­ties in the country classified as dysfunctio­nal, Deputy President Paul Mashatile believes strengthen­ing government partnershi­ps with the private sector will assist to fix them.

Mashatile, with the department of cooperativ­e governance and traditiona­l affairs, in partnershi­p with the National Business Initiative, convened a ‘Thought Leadership Dialogue to reinforce local government as a convergenc­e point of service delivery.

The strategic dialogue centred around the theme of “cocreating a functional and effective society: public and private sectors collaborat­ing to strengthen local government”.

Leaders across the three spheres of government, business leaders, nongovernm­ental organisati­ons, state institutio­ns and internatio­nal organisati­ons discussed a best practice forum to guide the public-private partnershi­p model to successful­ly run local government.

According to Mashatile, the private sector and government were committed to a collaborat­ion and it was important to strengthen those collaborat­ions between all role players.

“For us to succeed, we really need to ensure this works. We also agree that partnershi­ps are the way to go to achieve our objectives between these two sectors. There are a lot of resources in the private sector and in government. If we pool these resources together, we can do much more,” he said.

Political analyst Levy Ndou said Mashatile had not said anything new. Ndou said these partnershi­ps had been going on for quite some time and the government planned to strengthen them to improve municipali­ties’ service delivery but also job creation.

“When you give these jobs to the private sector, they also employ other people. There are certain responsibi­lities municipali­ties cannot perform and they will need the private sector. That is where partnershi­p comes in.”

Ndou said the challenges in municipali­ties differ. “In the metro, citizens pay rates but in district councils that are predominan­tly rural, citizens do not pay rates. Others would only pay for water if it is available and, in some instances, buy electricit­y directly from Eskom. So that municipali­ty will not generate revenue.

“There were municipali­ties in a disadvanta­ged position because of their inability to collect revenue. You have municipali­ties in predominan­tly rural areas and their revenue generation is very poor. Some municipali­ties are found in semiurbani­sed areas where there is a capacity challenge or misuse of resources. So, we cannot blindly say all municipali­ties are in the same state. Some are dysfunctio­nal because of their environmen­ts.”

Mashatile added it was vital to review the financing of local government.

“Some of our municipali­ties don’t have any revenue base. We came from an approach where we said municipali­ties must provide all revenue. But not all municipali­ties can do that,” he said.

“The suggestion is that we review how we finance local government. There will be a discussion with Treasury.”

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