The Citizen (KZN)

Bumblebees survive underwater for days


– Bumblebees can surprising­ly withstand days underwater, according to a study published yesterday, suggesting they could withstand increased floods brought on by climate change that threaten their winter hibernatio­n burrows.

The survival of these pollinator­s that are crucial to ecosystems is “encouragin­g” amid worrying global trends of their declining population­s, the study’s lead author Sabrina Rondeau said.

With global warming prompting more frequent and extreme floods in regions around the world, it poses “an unpredicta­ble challenge for soil-dwelling species, particular­ly bees nesting or overwinter­ing undergroun­d”, co-author Nigel Raine of the University of Guelph said.

Rondeau said she first discovered queen bumblebees could withstand drowning by accident.

She had been studying the effect of pesticide residues in soil on queen bumblebees that burrow undergroun­d for the winter when water accidental­ly entered the tubes housing a few of the bees.

“I freaked out,” said Rondeau, who had been conducting the experiment for her doctoral studies. “It was only a small proportion... so it was not that big of a deal, but I didn’t want to lose those bees.”

To her “shock”, she said, they survived. “I’ve been studying bumblebees for a very long time. I’ve talked about it to a lot of people and no-one knew that this was a possibilit­y,” she said.

She launched another experiment to better understand what happened.

Researcher­s placed 143 hibernatin­g queen bumblebees in tubes – some with no water as a comparativ­e group, some floating in water and some fully submerged using a plunger for a period ranging from eight hours to seven days, according to the study published in the journal, Biology Letters.

Remarkably, 81% of the hibernatin­g queens that were submerged not only survived seven days, but once returned to dry conditions remained alive eight weeks later.

The long-term impact on the bees’ health and the effects it could have on a colony still needs further research, Rondeau noted.

“It’s encouragin­g to know that at least [flooding] is not another big threat that we have to consider,” she said. –

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