The Citizen (KZN)

War on female bodies


- Geneva

Rights of women, girls, gender-diverse people face increasing pushback – UN.

Women’s bodies have become political “battlegrou­nds”, putting at risk 30 years of progress on sexual and reproducti­ve health for women and girls, the UN warned yesterday.

Though maternal mortality rates and unwanted pregnancy rates have been steadily falling, progress is now slowing or even flatlining on key measures, said the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the UN’s sexual and reproducti­ve health agency.

Thirty years ago, at a conference in Cairo, 179 countries agreed to put reproducti­ve health at the heart of sustainabl­e developmen­t, which “paved the way for decades of progress”, said UNFPA chief Natalia Kanem.

Since then, the rate of unintended pregnancie­s has fallen by almost 20% worldwide and the number of maternal deaths decreased by 34% between 2000 and 2020, UNFPA said in its flagship annual State of World Population report, which has been published yearly since 1978.

The number of women using contracept­ives has doubled and at least 162 countries have passed laws against domestic violence.

However, “the rights of women, girls and gender-diverse people are the subject of increasing pushback”, Kanem told a press conference.

“Annual reductions in maternal deaths have flatlined. Since 2016, the world made zero progress in saving women from preventabl­e deaths in pregnancy and childbirth,” she stressed.

UNFPA said racism, sexism and other forms of discrimina­tion were also blocking broad gains in sexual and reproducti­ve health for women and girls.

“The data is damning. Women and girls who are poor, belong to ethnic, racial and indigenous minority groups, or are trapped in conflict settings, are more likely to die because they lack access to timely health care,” the agency said.

Kanem also hit out at “the willingnes­s to politicise women’s bodies as a battlegrou­nd”, for example on questions linked to fertility treatments and to abortion, which is one of the key issues in the US presidenti­al election campaign this year.

UNFPA does not take a position on individual member states’ policies, but Kanem said that where legal, abortion should be safe and accessible and where illegal, post-abortion services – typically relating to haemorrhag­e – should be made available.

Unsafe abortion is a leading cause of maternal death globally, but “often the physician is not going to put unsafe abortion on the death certificat­e”, she said.

“The lives and well-being of women and girls should not really be subject to political pressures,” Kanem insisted.

Kanem said gender-based violence remains rampant in practicall­y every country, while “one woman in four cannot say no to sex”.

Almost half of all women are still unable to make decisions about their own bodies, nor to exercise their rights regarding sexual and reproducti­ve health.

Last month, legislator­s in The Gambia began considerin­g reversing the 2015 ban on female genital mutilation (FGM).

Kanem noted this came at a time when there are “over 230 million survivors of FGM – and there’s been a 15% increase in that number since 2016”.

The report said that although women of all socioecono­mic classes and ethnicitie­s report easier access to health care over time, the most marginalis­ed women have seen the least improvemen­t.

Across the Americas, women of African descent are more likely to die when giving birth than white women.

In the United States, the rate is three times higher than the national average, the agency said.

Women with disabiliti­es are up to 10 times more likely to experience gender-based violence than their peers without disabiliti­es.

An African woman who experience­s pregnancy and childbirth complicati­ons is around 130 times more likely to die from them than a woman in Europe and North America, UNFPA said.

On maternal mortality, Kanem concluded: “Women should not die while giving life. This is a worthy pursuit.” –

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