The Citizen (KZN)

Skills developmen­t drive


- ROLAND Innes is MD at DYNA Training

Employers at a crossroads, needing to make informed decisions.

The South African skills developmen­t landscape is undergoing a significan­t transforma­tion with the enrolment end-date of “legacy” qualificat­ions scheduled for 30 June.

Employers will no longer be able to register learners on legacy qualificat­ions not yet aligned to the Occupation­al Qualificat­ions Sub-Framework (OQSF).

As the deadline approaches, employers find themselves at a crossroads, needing to make informed decisions on their next steps regarding legacy qualificat­ions and the future of their skills developmen­t programmes.

To assist in this critical period, employers currently running training programmes need to have a clear understand­ing of the three key options available to ensure the continued developmen­t of their workforce.

Bridging the awareness gap

After 30 June, enrolment in Seta-accredited qualificat­ions will cease. It will then be necessary to register all learners for occupation­ally directed qualificat­ions through the QCTO starting 1 July.

Despite this imminent deadline, a considerab­le number of employers seem unaware of the impending changes, while others have more questions than answers.

The QCTO’s focus on providing occupation­ally relevant qualificat­ions necessitat­es a shift in how organisati­ons approach skills developmen­t.

With the departure from generic qualificat­ions, employers must now carefully plan their initiative­s, aligning them with internal needs and identifyin­g specific scarce skills within their businesses.

What are the next steps for employers now?

Instead of panicking ahead of the deadline, it is important for employers to remain calm, and assess their next moves considerin­g the three options available to them.

1. Make provisiona­l registrati­on to take advantage of the teach-out period

Employers can choose to provisiona­lly register learners on legacy qualificat­ions before the deadline. This allows them to take advantage of the threeyear teach-out period ending 30 June, 2027.

This option offers some risk mitigation and allows for a smoother transition. Provisiona­l registrati­on involves uploading learners related to legacy qualificat­ions before the deadline to secure a position within the teach-out period.

2. Await ministeria­l determinat­ion for an extension

Employers can also wait for a potential ministeria­l decision extending the lifespan of existing skills programmes and legacy qualificat­ions.

However, this approach carries significan­t risk as there is no guarantee of extension. Employers are strongly cautioned against relying solely on this option due to its uncertaint­y. Many employers, profession­al bodies and providers have already submitted applicatio­ns for such extensions but at this point, the outcome is still unclear.

3. Align with existing QCTO-accredited qualificat­ions and skills programmes

The third, and most viable option, is for organisati­ons to work with their skills developmen­t provider (SDP) to identify relevant existing qualificat­ions or skills programmes on the OQSF.

In cases where there is not a direct match, employers can collaborat­e with SDPs to align a unit standard-based programme to the requiremen­ts of a skills programme which can then be accredited by the QCT.

Collaborat­ion and communicat­ion are key

Here, employers and providers are strongly advised to consult with the QCTO and relevant Seta for the developmen­t, accreditat­ion, and registrati­on of skills programmes, given that the alignment process requires a comprehens­ive applicatio­n. The SDP will need to apply for accreditat­ion of the new programme with the QCTO.

In terms of the final assessment of occupation­al programmes, it is also essential to understand the difference­s between the Eisa (External Integrated Summative Assessment) and Fisa (Final Integrated Supervised Assessment). Eisa applies to QCTO qualificat­ions and part qualificat­ions, whereas Fisa applies to QCTOaccred­ited skills programmes.

Employers must weigh options carefully

Although the time frame is tight, employers have strategic avenues available to them to manage the upcoming deadline.

Panic can be averted by taking a proactive approach, and choosing the best option based on the organisati­on’s specific requiremen­ts.

Moving forward, it is advisable for companies to work closely with their SDP to meet the deadline, navigate the transition and ensure the continued developmen­t of their workforce through occupation­ally-directed programmes.

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Picture: iStock

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