The Herald (South Africa)

March for victims of rape, abuse

Enuf-is-enuf campaign seeks support, empathy from police

- Lee-anne Butler

NELSON Mandela Bay residents will take to the streets this morning to highlight the plight of rape and gender abuse victims. The march forms part of a campaign by Port Elizabeth-born businesswo­man Andy Kawa, now based in Johannesbu­rg, who was brutally gang-raped and assaulted while walking on Kings Beach two years ago.

Kawa said her campaign, Kwanele – Enuf-isEnuf, would highlight the plight of victims of rape and abuse caused by the lack of understand­ing, empathy and basic support services from the police and the justice system.

She said everyone was welcome to join the march. “Rape and abuse can affect anyone regardless of your race, religion or class. This march is about all of us saying that we need to stand up for our own safety and security,” she said.

The Kwanele campaign will also provide rape and abuse victims with a safe, confidenti­al forum where they can access vital informatio­n, assistance and support.

Kawa said those responsibl­e for her rape had not been brought to book. Her case was withdrawn after what she described as endless delays and police bungling.

“I still have not received any response from them and I do not have any idea what is happening with my case a month later. They promised to call, but still nothing,” she said.

Kawa said she did not want rape victims to receive the poor service she had from the SAPS. “I want the police to take action now; show us that they will not tolerate our women being raped and abused and they must ensure we are not victimised or further violated by the system there to protect us.”

Port Elizabeth Rape Crisis Centre spokeswoma­n Berenice Jacobs-Malgas said Kawa’s campaign would have their complete support. “We are standing behind her. This is not just about her as an individual but about everyone who has been in her position. Many women do not see justice because of long delays or they do not get summonsed to appear in court. Everyone is saying enough is enough,” she said.

Kawa said while she did not know how many marchers would take part, she had received a lot of feedback from people who said they would join in.

Kawa said marchers should assemble and register at Kings Beach at 8.30am today before she and other dignitarie­s addressed the crowd. She said the march would proceed from the parking area at about 10am and would end at Humewood police station where a petition demanding more action and support for victims would be handed over.

Kawa said the same petition would be sent to the police minister, justice minister, women, youth, children and people with disabiliti­es minister and the national police commission­er.

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