The Herald (South Africa)

Readers respond to news, views, issues


ANNUAL salaries for 2013/14 paid to Mandela Metro councillor­s and officials are an utter disgrace. Do they think they are in parliament? We ratepayers need to act now! ANDY K

DECLARE politics a sport, check PE councillor­s for stupidity-enhancing drugs. Only the rich can afford these rates increases! M NEGRES

ON Tues June 11 ANC executive directors of NMM had an all day meeting at the Paxton Hotel. They are sure to be well fed there. And at whose expense? Of course, the ratepayers. They could have their meeting at the City Hall but then they wouldn’t be wined and dined in such plush surroundin­gs. That money could be spent cleaning up our filthy streets and pavements. H

SOURCES claim Nceba Faku is still behind the scenes calling the shots at Luthuli House and telling the PE mayor and ANC councillor­s what to do. Corruption is their main interest, while our MEC continues to fail the people of NMMM. JAMES NEIL, SUMMERSTRA­ND

DEFECTIVE tyres are being released to maximise a certain tyre company’s profits. That is a crime against humanity and undermines human life. Viva, Edward Snowden for exposing the CIA to the public, Viva. Mphumzi. SHAUN MTALANA.

PLEASE Barney Pityana stand for President! LH – A VERY CONCERNED CITIZEN

PLEASE someone give some details on the roadworks in Standford Road. GOOLAM AHAMED, GELVAN PARK

AS a regular user of the Cotswold off-ramp, where constructi­on is under way to build a new lane, I wonder why the contractor only works one day a week. Surely there are deadlines they have to meet. ALROY

CONCERNED people should urgently request that police do patrols at schools during critical times, for the safety of our children. CONCERNED

“CHURCH rules on women bishops” refers. What a farce, how patronisin­g! It is just a token gesture to ordain female priests if they may not become bishops. OFFENDED

RE all the bad remarks about Greenacres Hospital. I disagree as I was in critical care for four days and what wonderful treatment – from the floor staff to the nursing staff. It also depends on how you treat the staff. And the singing in the morning is so uplifting. DOREEN GWYNN, WALMER

GWEN’S advice column needs to move into 21st century. Bissels Crud Suds removes most carpet stains. Bought mine at PnP Hyper. HOUSEPROUD

APARTMENT blocks are neat and look good. Send your letter to Tokyo Sexwale directly.He spoke about housing problems last week on Morning Live. READER

RAFAEL Nadal, you beauty. Undisputed king of clay. Congratula­tions also to Serena Williams. HEIDI B

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