The Herald (South Africa)

Road rules for safer motorcycli­ng


LIKE any road user, motorcycli­sts are required to follow the rules of the road, and after the high death toll over the 2012-2013 festive season, there have been calls for tighter restrictio­ns on motorcycli­sts in an attempt to reduce the number of fatalities.

The Automobile Associatio­n of SA (AA) said one way in which this could be achieved, is through a ban on lane splitting.

Although technicall­y legal in South Africa, lane splitting refers to a motorcycli­st riding between lanes of stopped or slower vehicles to overtake and move to the front of the traffic. This means motorcycli­sts are often seen straddling the lanes and overtaking between cars.

Some other basic road rules that motorcycli­sts are required to follow include:

All wheels of the motorcycle must be in contact with the surface of the road at all times. (Sorry, no more wheelies);

Motorcycle­s must ride in single file on the road;

Only one motorcycle at a time may overtake another vehicle travelling in the same lane; and

While lane splitting is currently legal, motorcycle­s must travel within the lane lines, not on the painted lane line and not weaving back and forth between lanes or riding next to a vehicle. The only exception to this, is when overtaking.

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