The Herald (South Africa)



Port Elizabeth theatre personalit­y Marelize Barnard-Booyens recently wrote and directed a local comedy titled ‘Mamma, Ek Wil ‘n Man Hê’. She speaks to The Herald about why money matters.

Q: Are you a spender or a saver?

A: I would really love to say that I am a saver, but I cannot and will not lie.

Q: Have you ever been in debt or short of cash?

A: Oh, short of cash, many times. A spender often is. But I have never not had anything that I really needed. Wanted . . . a different story.

Q: What do you like to splurge on?

A: Cosmetics and my niece.

Q: Do you do monthly, weekly or daily grocery shopping?

A: I do a general monthly one, but buy added extras as I go along.

Q: How do you and your partner separate your spending?

A: My partner and I work totally separately with our finances. (Modern woman and all that.)

Q: Do you prefer to pay with cash, credit card or account?

A: That totally depends on the situation, the amount, the urge and the cashflow. A darling new shade of red lipstick cannot be left on the shelf.

Q: Will you have enough money when you retire?

A: Can one have enough money? I have made provision and hope it will allow me not to have to wait in the pensioner’s line for a free cuppa.

Q: Should PE residents invest more of their spending money in local theatre? Why?

A: Absolutely! Port Elizabeth has such a vibrant amateur theatre community and a spectator just gets so much out of live theatre.

Q: What car are you driving and is it expensive to maintain?

A: A Toyota Tazz. And everything really does keep going right, so it’s very low maintenanc­e. My other car is a Porsche, but I rarely drive it because of fuel economy. (Hahaha)

Q: What is your financial advice to the public?

A: Don’t do what I do, do what I tell you to do: save, save, save. It is so much better to buy something cash than adding to the price and putting it on account. And unless it’s a darling red lipstick, it can wait until you have the cash.


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