The Herald (South Africa)



THE licking of fingers to turn pages is horribly disgusting. It’s a filthy habit whereby you transfer your spit onto paper. Do you think that’s nice? This practice should be banned. Just imagine how many others have also licked their finger to turn the same page. Just think of all the germs you are spreading, or putting in your mouth. NINA THE new extra lane to the road fronting Walmer Park Shopping Centre is now being blocked by taxis who are preventing normal traffic right of way! This is a traffic violation and needs to be addressed. There is no traffic department so the onus is squarely on the shoulders of the municipali­ty. How do we get these hooligans off the streets? Surely there must be someone who can wield the whip. PAT GREGORY ZUMA please resign. We don’t want you as our president. You are an embarrassm­ent to South Africa. You have stolen from your people. They live in poverty, with no homes but shacks, no water and no toilets and pensions not enough to feed a dog. Stealing is punishable and you need to go to jail. We want a president with one wife and not a bigamist hiding under the banner of a chief. We want a man, or woman, who will put South Africa first and take nothing for himself. Your corrupt ruling is over and that of all your corrupt ministers. Nkandla needs to be destroyed and you need to live in the manner in which you expect your people to live and that includes all your wives and children. Respect is earned with hard work and dignity, of which you have none. Your rule is over. SICK AND TIRED

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