The Herald (South Africa)

We must build on this foundation


AS SOUTH Africa celebrates 20 years of hard-earned freedom this weekend, it is a fitting time to reflect on the enormous strides that have been made in achieving equality and transforma­tion, and bettering the lives of millions of citizens. great deal has been attained of which we can be enormously proud. Millions of people now have brick-and-mortar homes instead of shacks, as well as services like running water, sanitation and electricit­y, while healthcare, too, has been heavily prioritise­d by government.

Crucially, all South African adults now have the freedom to express themselves politicall­y and to cast their votes for the party of their choice – and we encourage every single one of them to do exactly that on May 7.

The 20th anniversar­y of our nation’s first democratic election is also a time to take stock of where we are still falling short.

This list unfortunat­ely must include the quality of our education system, our persistent­ly sluggish economy and the everpresen­t headache of unemployme­nt, as well as our unacceptab­ly high levels of crime. Corruption within government department­s, likewise, remains a bugbear, and there is also no denying the growing disillusio­nment many feel for our president, given his refusal to take any kind of personal responsibi­lity for the likes of “Nkandlagat­e” and “Guptagate”.

Now is the time that we should take a long, hard look at what we are doing to secure a brighter and more prosperous future for our children and our children’s children.

The next 10 years will be crucial in this regard. Will economic reforms create jobs and much-needed growth, or will the poor rise up in frustratio­n and anger and seize what they believe they are owed, as some still fear could happen?

South Africa achieved a political miracle 20 years ago, when the foundation for a unified and prosperous nation was laid by those who fought hard and sacrificed much for the freedoms every South African enjoys today.

But it will be up to us as one united nation – and the government we elect to lead us – to continue building a country that will genuinely deliver a better life for all, not only for this generation but for those who come after us.

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