The Herald (South Africa)



SHAME on any political party, especially the one elect, who have offered so many promises and assurances over the years to the deprived, with little evidence of honouring their word to alleviate the plight of them in any meaningful way. Then as we see voting approachin­g, it’s almost as if we see “promissory” assurances all over again. How arrogant and deceitful can those be, so privileged in their own lives, to reflect virtual reverse-begging in their endeavours to secure votes from the ignorant and desperatel­y under-privileged. To sell such tall stories, knowing that history has a story of its own that tells no lies, is shameful and thus they also are shameless, with self-interest their one singular priority. And altruism? Must be a swearword to them. Greg G THERE are still ministers who want to lie and come up with all sorts of excuses to save face for the ANC and J Z. It won’t work – the Nkandlagat­e scandal is going to haunt the ANC as it is one of the worst in their history and surpasses the Muldergate scandal of the apartheid era. His museum of corruption is all about looting the state coffers, for his own personal greed for him and his family. The ANC has sunk so low to a level of shamelessn­ess. The ANC of the former greats like Oliver Tambo, Walter Sisulu, Madiba is no more, and this ANC knows they are faced with a serious problem. They have two options, either they are going to dump J Z, or see the ANC on its way out. They are at a cross-roads . . . It’s this ticking time bomb that SA keeps warning the ANC about. Anthony L SAfm radio station has an advert regarding 20 years of South Africa’s democracy. The advert convenient­ly distorts African history by claiming that, after Ghana, SA is the only constituti­onally run country on the continent. Secondly, the same advert plays an ANC song instead of a neutral one. SABC is quick to ban other political parties’ adverts and ignores the practices in-house. What’s more disturbing is that some SAfm presenters and their producers ignore numerous SMS requests about this same advert. Are they perhaps securing their jobs? JJ VERY sick young guy sells roses at the parking area at Shark Rock Pier (KFC area). I cannot buy a rose. He forced one through the car window. I gave him the R20 when I got my pension. Today he did the same, after I politely told him I can’t as I don’t have money and will be in the hot car. I threw it out the window where he retrieved it. Last week I was having lunch with overseas visitors and he did the same. It has become very unpleasant and I feel so very sorry for this sick young man who needs to be looked after. Resident, PE THE robots out of order in Uitenhage Road again. No traffic controller­s in sight as usual. Where are you officials? Do your job and direct the traffic. You get paid by us, the ratepayers. Charl B THERE’S much talk of human beings being the ONLY mammals that still drink milk once they have reached adulthood. Human beings are also the only mammals who partake in beverages, eg coffee, tea, cocoa or juice. One cannot compare a human to an animal. The same applies to a dolphin that doesn’t eat fruit, or a sheep that doesn’t eat eggs. What are other readers views? Moo THEY say that those with a gap in the middle of the front teeth tend to be successful in life. The gap, however, must be dead centre. A gap to the left or right (of the centre) is a different matter altogether! Tanne CRIME in this country is getting worse and worse. Matter of time before our tourists find kinder destinatio­ns! Elle YOURS truly thinks that Transnet in Ngqurha, as a mooted TransShipm­ent Hub, should have a tripartite agreement with Abu Dhabi in the UAE and the New Jersey Port Authority in the US in order for these institutio­ns to switch their cargos at the Coega IDZ, at a nominal fee of course. The Port of Ngqurha is ideally located in the middle between these two giants, making time and travelling costs a minor factor. The economic spin-offs would be great and my dream of a second Ferrari World Theme Park at the under-utilised Aldo Scribante race track, facilitate­d by Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala Developmen­t Agency, would be substantia­ted! Luyanda Marlon Kama, Kwadwesi

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