The Herald (South Africa)



PETER Woods – the wolf in sheep’s clothing, chooses to agree with the Muslim author Reza Aslan’s opinion of Christ. Woods also rejects the substituti­onary death of Christ (and probably His resurrecti­on). True followers of Christ know that the truth is unpalatabl­e to the world, and false teachers will promote an interfaith false gospel that tickles the ears and calls evil good, and good evil. Rick POOR Peter Woods has lost his way. Heaven help all he ministers his twisted gospel to. Has he forsaken the Bible and taken up some little known writer of rubbish? BELIEVER PETER Woods, in your column “That’s the Spirit” you display an unconventi­onal take on generally accepted Christian beliefs. Please would you give me your opinion of whom you believe Jesus of Nazareth is? Thank you kindly. Geoff Evans. A THERAPIST one who heals? And a pastoral one? It is a joke that a title like this is given to a man with views that border on idiocy and heresy. Erro H PETER Woods, you have made a mockery of Easter. Jesus died for our salvation! Yes. We Christians know this. You are lost. Shame on you for attempting to distort this and misguiding others. Diane I HAVE often wondered about Peter Woods and how and by whom he was given this platform to speak on spiritual matters. Today’s article on Easter proved that my suspicion was justified. Anon PALLO Jordan is naive to assert “ANC remains . . . principal agent of . . .transforma­tion in our country”. I say, global capitalism allows them that role for their agenda. M Williams TANYA Juries can work in the US, where race has faded to the extent that largely white people have voted for a non-white president. But here where the national psyche is irreversib­ly locked into a “my-people” fixation?! Anon

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