The Herald (South Africa)

Your Stars

- Jonathan Cainer


What are you and I, if not divine beings who have taken temporary shape as people upon planet Earth, and who will one day return to the heavenly realm? And if we are deities, why do we not recognise and respect this in one another? You now don’t seem to be getting the appreciati­on that you deserve. But that, in one way at least, is about to change for the better. For your personal forecast, call: MTN 083-900-8535 or Vodacom 079-008-4033.


The world is full of people who are paid to use only a small portion of their brain. “Do what’s expected of you, no more, no less.” That’s surely not an ethos that can be successful­ly extended to any meaningful personal relationsh­ip. The full depth and potential of being part of a positive team is about to be revealed. For your personal forecast, call: MTN 083-900-8535 or Vodacom 079-008-4033.


If the train has left the station, how can you make it stop? The wheels are rolling. The time to get off has gone. The next chance lies ahead. So stop squirming in your seat. It is the resistance that is making matters worse. Accept the inevitable, in your emotional life at least, until there is a true chance to change it. For your personal forecast, call: MTN 083-900-8535 or Vodacom 079-008-4033.


Some people get all excited whenever someone has a new idea. Often, though, we get giddy about something silly. We embrace change for the sake of change, then wonder why it has made us no happier. You can do things differentl­y in your emotional life now if you want to. But are you sure this is what you need to do? For your personal forecast, call: MTN 083-900-8535 or Vodacom 079-008-4033.


You are making excellent progress. It’s just that, to do this, you are having to run as fast as you can. You are getting tired. You want to find an easier way to proceed. It’s possible – but if you really want to change things, you first have to change something in yourself. You have to conquer a fear. For your personal forecast, call: MTN 083-900-8535 or Vodacom 079-008-4033.


Who are you inseparabl­y connected to? And here’s a supple- mentary inquiry: When will a certain person let go so that you can start making your own decisions? I’m not saying an existing situation is entirely problemati­c ... it isn’t. Still, though, you have had to do a lot of adjusting and ‘accommodat­ing’ lately, and would like to regain a little autonomy. A balance of power is about to shift. You’ll feel better after that. For your personal forecast, call: MTN 083-900-8535 or Vodacom 079-008-4033.


So much could be so easy. Why then is it so tricky? Do you have to radically change a plan or policy before you can start leading a more comfortabl­e life? Actually, no. You just have to accept that an important process is taking its own sweet time. You can’t hurry it, but nor do you need to. A series of wonderful developmen­ts will occur in your emotional and personal life soon enough. These will cause you to feel much more relaxed about an apparent lack of progress in some other area. For your personal forecast, call: MTN 083-900-8535 or Vodacom 079-008-4033.


Let’s discuss the situation you consider to be so fraught, tense and contentiou­s. Do you really need to be so careful about who knows what, who thinks what and who is in danger of discoverin­g what? Suppose it didn’t matter anywhere near as much as you feared it did? In your emotional life, you really need tiptoe no longer. Be yourself and be strong. For your personal forecast, call: MTN 083-900-8535 or Vodacom 079-008-4033.


The best flights of fancy occur in an area of the unconsciou­s that is neither entirely emotional nor exclusivel­y intellectu­al. That’s why there are some fantasies that we entertain so profoundly that we hardly even notice they are theoretica­l. Your greatest current emotional aspiration is somewhere between a dream and a wish. Making it a reality may yet prove easier than you think. For your personal forecast, call: MTN 083-900-8535 or Vodacom 079-008-4033.


You seem to have started something you don’t know how to finish. But taming wild forces will not be as difficult as you might fear. It merely requires you to be less fearful and more confident. In your emotional life now, you can stop envisaging problems that do not exist, and bowing to pressure you can safely ignore. For your personal forecast, call: MTN 083-900-8535 or Vodacom 079-008-4033.


Let’s imagine you are a caterpilla­r who has recently become a butterfly. But you still feel tempted to crawl everywhere. What if your wings don’t work? It may make much more sense to stick with the tried and tested. You will, though, be selling yourself short if you do. There’s so much more you can achieve. The question in your emotional life now is not “What did you once allow yourself to want?” but “What would you like to do now, given that you have so many options?” For your personal forecast, call: MTN 083-900-8535 or Vodacom 079-008-4033.


Most folk have facts they don’t want to face and issues they don’t want to discuss. Is it any wonder, then, that communicat­ion between us all is often so vacuous? We are all always delicately skirting round each other’s sensitivit­ies. As vital new developmen­ts in your emotional life now begin to unfold, important matters can be constructi­vely discussed at last. For your personal forecast, call: MTN 083-900-8535 or Vodacom 079-008-4033.

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