The Herald (South Africa)



SADDENED TO HEAR OF MKAVU DEATH SADDENED by councillor Buyisile Mkavu’s death. What a leader. I took my Grade 11 pupils to the Langa massacre site for a heritage project. Mkavu couldn’t be present. as he was attending a council meeting, but he made all necessary arrangemen­ts for someone to narrate events leading to the Langa massacre. In 2011 he presented events leading to the massacre to my Grade 12 class from Ndzondelel­o High at the site. This is a loss for our metro. What a dedicated leader, very brilliant, a true revolution­ary who sacrificed his time for PE pupils who he did not know. One could clearly see that the guy was no newcomer to politics. He has been part of our ANC and part of our liberation struggle.

T C JAMES I WOULD like to express my condolence­s to the Mkavu family on the sudden and tragic loss of their beloved son, Buyisile, who was human settlement­s councillor. Rest in peace, comrade Mkavu.


GOOD TO HEAR TEACHER ACQUITTED OF RAPE GOOD to read Johnny Baartman has been acquitted, but how is it that the Education Department dismissed him when evidence obtained indicated the child had not been raped? Why did it take three years to reach court? Next is the claim against the Education Department. Pathetic.


STILL ROMANTIC MEN IN THE BAY WOW! Can’t believe there are still romantic men in PE. What a wonderful story, Alan and Jo-Ann Dickson. May you both be blessed for many happy wonderful years together.

TERTIA I THINK this story of the surprise wedding is absolutely romantic! I wish more men would be so thoughtful and forward thinking.


SHOCKED AT TREATMENT OF CHILD I AM shocked at the front page story. If he were my child, someone will be very sorry. Keep this person in jail and throw the keys away. This really makes me angry.

MELVIN HUMPEL WE would like to offer free treatment/product to burn wound victim Siya Tyika. Babalwa Tyika can contact Sanet Mey at 086-111-7771.


WHAT a disgusting, barbaric act carried out on a defenceles­s child. Shocking. Unbelievab­le that the principal feels unfairly treated. Wish had boiling water and access to Siphokazi Dlaku. Shut the school, it’s not debatable.

CILLA HUNDREDS of pupils in PE schools are abused daily. This case is extreme and is consequent­ly a cover story, but the physical and emotional abuse that takes place daily is also criminal. One’s thoughts about corporal punishment have no place in the argument since it is unlawful to strike a pupil in school.


PLACE US IN SCHOOLS SCHOOLS are without teachers while we as Funza Lushaka graduates are still waiting to be placed by the department. It really doesn’t make sense.


COLUMN BIASED FIRE Kazeka Mashologu Kuse and whoever on The Herald’s editorial staff allowed such biased, unconstitu­tional, gender hate advocating, incitement to commit criminal harassment and defamation of character tripe to be published. Then, whoever’s left must publish an unreserved apology to all male victims of false accusation­s of rape and those who were raped (by men, but especially by women). Shame on you Herald!


CAN WORK ANYWHERE SOVEREIGN Foods workers are not forced to work there. They can work anywhere in South Africa or the world. They were happy enough to sign on for the pay, so if unhappy they should resign. It’s a free country.


MUNICIPALI­TY MUST CLEAN THE STREETS “CENTRAL cleanup”: what a joke. Please, people, have the guts to stand up for your rights. Doing the work for the municipali­ty can only make its staff more lazy. If you are so keen on clean streets, why don’t you make it full-time employment?

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SMSes are billed at R1 per 160 characters, the maximum number of characters that can be accepted. Free SMSes do not apply and errors will be billed.

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