The Herald (South Africa)

Hands off Madonsela, ANC!

- Lynne Vorster, Port Elizabeth

ONCE again the ANC takes Thuli Madonsela to task.

Who gives anybody the right to tell a person whom to support?

Stop being bullies and let people vote for the party of their choice.

Since President Jacob Zuma and his followers came into power, this country has become a disgrace and a laughing stock to the rest of the world.

The speeches made on Workers Day were false and promises that have been made year after year have not been honoured. The DA in the Western Cape have done more and kept their promises to make life better. This country is lawless.

There has never been so many senseless deaths, robberies, killings, rapes, pornograph­y cases, road deaths, abuse, paedophile­s, and fighting in parliament, etc.

These criminals know they will get bail and know that they do not stay in jail long enough.

If Madonsela’s name was put forward for president, I doubt that anyone would hesitate to vote for her. We know that this country would heal and become a country we all can be proud of again. That wonderful man, Nel- son Mandela, would be so heartbroke­n if he was still with us. But he is turning in his grave because the ANC has broken down everything he stood for. They have dishonoure­d him. There is so much hatred and greed that it will take a miracle to change the wrongs of this country. People, open your eyes and minds when you go to vote. Promises, promises and more promises from the ANC and that is all it will be ... just empty promises.

 ??  ?? PRESIDENTI­AL MATERIAL: Thuli Madonsela, seen here at Rhodes’ graduation ceremony, frequently comes under fire from the ANC
PRESIDENTI­AL MATERIAL: Thuli Madonsela, seen here at Rhodes’ graduation ceremony, frequently comes under fire from the ANC

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