The Herald (South Africa)




IS JAYDE’S murder based on Dewani and Oscar? Please get “Gerrie Nel” the bulldog for justice. Our detectives deserve “a Bell’s ” and are the best. ME PE


SOMETHING has to be done about the taxi drivers on Beach Road. They are driving us insane. They are disturbing the peace and they are rude and arrogant. Enough is enough. READER PEOPLE who use sheets to wrap around trees for Cancer Day, Women’s Day and all that nonsense, did me a huge favour. My house at last has curtains. SHAMROCK SISTER Dorothy at Summerstra­nd Pharmacy is a lovely lady and an excellent nursing sister. A true asset to her profession. M THE human race has got to stop popping unwanted babies out. Bottom line. ELLE OUR much-vaunted roads agency focuses on national roads (tolled of course), but what about the dirt/gravelled roads? No tangible maintenanc­e is done at all, so how does food get to the Sanral tarred road network?

We have prisons overflowin­g with convicts “paying their debt to society” on their bums, at taxpayers expense. Let them pay their debt, and help lower the cost of living, on the chain gang! CHAZ EC I KNOW several people who have been targeted in the Central and Humewood area by members of the SAP who extorted bribes from them for being under the influence while driving.

While neither drunk driving or the payment of a bribe is acceptable, these officers specifical­ly sit around late on weekend nights and target upmarket vehicles.

This matter should be investigat­ed by the SAPS. Polygraph all your members to expose the rotten apples. OBSERVER


RICHER pupils achieve higher academic grades: as a teacher in the northern areas I can testify to this. Middle class learners are better behaved and thus cleverer than poor learners. It's a daily struggle educating our poorer learners, as they cannot seem to grasp the importance of education and their circumstan­ces are to be blamed. TEACHER

Readers’ responses to news and views

BRIAN, Jeffreys Bay – If you see my stories as a circus then you must be the clown that grasps everything I say. Welcome to my parlour. SHAMROCK JUST saying– I trust you will also go to your pastor or priest to give you medical advice! Dr Gamaroff is nothing but a Zionist. Why not spread peace or love? Just wondering. ANON DR GALLOWAY – Fact: South Africa was light years ahead of the rest of the continent in developmen­t pre-’94. Fact: post-‘94 under SACP control ideology South Africa is now, day by day, retrogress­ing under this “national democratic revolution” clap-trap, compared to other African countries. As for colonialis­m? Start learning Mandarin, colonisati­on is under way. TOM H DR GALLOWAY – Keep your opinions to yourself. I really am not interested in the rubbish you talk. NIGEL WAKEFORD PETER Woods – you are going nowhere with your useless splurge of intellectu­al eloquence and knowledge. It might elevate your private ego but does nothing for easy reading. Savvy? ANON


ARE our prosecutor­s doing their jobs? If not, The Hague should try them. Very dangerous criminals are repeating their dastardly crimes over and over again. Such an embarrassi­ng country and such cruel diabolical people live here. Thanks, those in power. You reap what you sow! ELLE


THE new DA leader has not even been elected and a smear campaign has started. Certain people feeling threatened by Mmusi Maimane? HEIDI B


WHAT’S the use of a protection order? Me and my wife have lived, semi-retired, for last eight years on a smallholdi­ng in Greenbushe­s. Some young people moved in next to us approximat­ely nine months ago. They started swearing at us using the worst swearing language possible, and eventually I got a harassment protection order against them.

A week later I got the same order against me and we don’t even communicat­e with each other. Two months ago another couple moved in with them also not knowing decent language and swearing at me and my wife, forcing me to apply for another protection order. The next thing they get one against me, saying I swear at them and shoot randomly.

Meantime my revolver has been in police custody since January.

What a joke. Anybody can with lies obtain a protection order. ANON


IF THE role models of this beautiful country are not uncorrupte­d (pay back the money No 1, the monarch who didn’t incite non-Zulu hatred, the police chief who abused her rank etc), the rank and file can only follow suit. Sin is sin – a white lie or brutal rape and murder is a sin/crime, regardless of the severity. Clear out the rubbish and install a few good men and women and see change happen. CHAZ EC HAS anybody noticed the Nkandla debate is silenced? Somebody mentioned a third force is behind the xenophobic attacks. He could be spot on. No more talk of certain sore topics. Who said you must have a high school degree to be shrewd? MARTY ZUMA exposes his ANC and leadership as one of the worst of its kind. This is what he said: “The ANC should shoulder some of the blame.” I believe all the blame, for not providing proper leadership, which led to the xenophobic crisis the country faced. Where was the birth of this leadership crisis? In Polokwane. But at least one incompeten­t fool admits that he is a failure. It is this ticking time bomb that so many of them turn a deaf ear to. Third Force in the xenophobic attacks is Zuma’s ANC itself and Baleka Mbete knows they have already exposed themselves to that. VONBOFA PRESIDENT Zuma and company should spend a week in the heart of the most violent townships. They seem to have lost touch. Our crime is beyond shocking. THANDI SOUTH Africa slips from 13th to off-the-ratings for an investment destinatio­n. Before ‘94 the SACP/ANC were responsibl­e for sanctions against South Africa and now, post-94, the same SACP/ANC are responsibl­e for self-imposed sanctions. Why? No leadership, no law and order, communist ideology, ant-capitalist sentiment, labour laws and union chaos. My view? No investment until the country is rid of militant unions, communists and racist affirmativ­e action. READER


SHUKRAN E Mayet for setting the record straight about the Qu’ran. When I read that readers’ rantings about the Qu’ran I thought I won’t even reply to such rubbish but realise that the ignorant will then remain ignorant. MUSLIM

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