The Herald (South Africa)

Even as we perish we are renewed

- KENNETH CLAASSEN it Hurts, Where is God When Kenneth Claassen is the overseeing minister at St Mark’s Church in Da Gama Road, Jeffreys Bay

OUR world is filled with pain and suffering. This might sound like a morbid introducti­on but the sad fact is that you know this is true.

People face tragedies and traumas that seem too massive to deal with. In our own communitie­s we are fearful to pick up a newspaper or watch the news.

Sadly, in some ways we’ve become desensitis­ed to some of the chaos around us as we see it almost every day. We just deal with it and life goes on.

Husbands have to go to work, moms have to feed their families, and kids have to go to school. This is the pattern of the world we are a part of.

When life gets tough, many Christians tend to use certain clichés and statements like “the Lord is with you”, or “God has a plan – it's going to work out”.

Although true, these statements don’t always bring comfort. It's easy to talk when someone else is struggling.

How would we feel if tragedy struck closer to home? What about when our family member dies or the doctor gives us bad news? At one time or another, we will all face tragedy and dealing with it is not as simple as, “just get over it” or “think good thoughts”.

When tragedy happens, we all ask: “Where is God?” This, among others, is a very valid question. Where is God when it hurts? Does God cause suffering? How can He just watch while all of this is happening? Why doesn’t He do something?

Some might say the answer is merely not to question God’s will. In his inspiring book

Phillip Yancey speaks about pain. He writes that as pain is a warning system signalling to our body that something is wrong, so suffering in our world is a reminder that something is wrong with humanity. God only allows suffering in order for us to ask: “Why?”

It is when we ask the question “why” that we look upwards, towards the one who has all the answers.

The question I ask is: “Has God done anything about suffering?” The answer is “Yes, He has!”

Jesus Christ came to deal with suffering. He suffered to pay a price so that eternal life could be given to those who accept Him.

This world is temporary, our suffering is real and the fact is that we might never understand exactly why we had to endure certain trials.

Comfort yourself with the scripture that says, in the next world, God will wipe away every tear, and our understand­ing of past, present and future pain will be clear!

Therefore, we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed.

Because our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us, a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at those not seen.

“For the things which are seen are temporary but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2 Corinthian­s 4:16-18)

Keep in mind that God created the world perfectly. Man’s sinful choices have made it imperfect.

We are part of the bundle of life, we are affected by the whole of humanity. We will all suffer and, although it is not fair, it is a consequenc­e of a fallen humanity.

Jesus came to save us. He paid the ultimate price so that our suffering will only be temporary. God has a greater plan than this world – He has prepared a place for those who accept Him.

Sometimes no words will ever comfort someone else.

All you can do is sit with them, cry with them and offer to be there for them.

God understand­s our hurts and is patient with our anger. He is our shelter.

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