The Herald (South Africa)

Very hard for young victims to speak out

- Victim of 50 years, Port Elizabeth

TO Nigel, Anthony, E T and all those with the same opinion of young abuse victims speaking up at the time (commenting on the Bob Hewitt case).

Easier said than done, guys. In those years it was not heard of. Second, the perpetrato­rs warn you with so many threats: “we will tell your parents you asked for it”, “we will kidnap your siblings”, “we will have your parents killed” or “we will pull your tongue out”.

At that age you are scared and then will your parents or whoever you tell believe you? The perpetrato­r can twist your words and then you are made to be a liar.

You live with that shame and try to block it out. But one day is one day when you have had enough and you are old enough to be able to face the media, the perpetrato­r and the whoever out there who looks down on you.

You might have someone in your life who you have shared it with, and will stand along- side, support you and give you the courage.

If you all think it’s easy, think again. I hope you never have to experience anything like that with any family members now or in years to come.

How many of these cases or perpetrato­rs are brought to book nowadays when reported? Tick the box: all, many, few or none.

Maybe few or none, but not many or all.

So easy to talk when you live a cocooned life. I wonder what bad experience­s you have gone through that you are high and mighty, and speculatin­g on things you know nothing of?

I spoke up and the perpetrato­r got 10 years. What is that when we have to bear the shame and live with it for the rest of our lives?

So write about things you know, not what you don’t.

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