The Herald (South Africa)

Crack team to probe suspects’ records

Sequel to arrests of three after two police officers shot in Port Elizabeth

- Gareth Wilson

TWO of three men arrested after the shooting of two policemen last week have previously been arrested for a string of other crimes, including the alleged killing of police officers. But most of the previous cases were withdrawn by the courts.

The third suspect has also been arrested several times, but not on charges involving the killing of a police officer.

A fourth suspect is still being sought by police.

The arrests stemmed from a gunfight with Warrant Officer Ewald Els, 40, who was shot in the shoulder, and fellow W/O Jakobus Botha, 42.

He was hit several times on his bullet-proof vest.

They were shot after responding to a 10111 call about four men with firearms.

The three men in custody were on bail in unrelated cases at the time of the shooting in Zwide last Thursday evening.

Between the three, they have been arrested 17 times with cases withdrawn 13 times.

Two were arrested in relation to police murders, with one case dating back to last year withdrawn last week, and another, in 2009, where the suspect was acquitted.

Lwando Shekemer, 25, was arrested minutes after last week’s shootout in Ngwekazi Street, Zwide. A detective task team tracked down and arrested Thembani Mente and Sindile Zila, both 30, after they were spotted on Saturday.

All three appeared in the New Brighton Magistrate’s Court on Monday.

They will remain in custody until their bail applicatio­n on September 18.

Police said the three suspects had a string of cases withdrawn against them and detec- tives were tasked yesterday with finding out why the courts had withdrawn charges.

Insiders said Shekemer had been charged with five crimes ranging from illegal possession of a firearm to robbery and murder – all withdrawn between 2011 and this year.

At the time of last week’s shooting, he was on bail for a 2012 armed robbery case.

The murder case against Shekemer stemmed from his arrest after the killing of Constable Siyabulela Mtshekisa, who was shot 12 times in an execution-style murder in Kwazakhele last year.

Mente has had five cases withdrawn against him between 2006 and this year.

These include arrests for the illegal possession of a firearm, murder, possession of stolen property and armed robbery.

At the time of last week’s shooting, Mente was out on bail in relation to a 2011 murder case and an armed robbery case last year.

Mente was acquitted in a case relating to the killing of policeman Winston Vencencie in Kwazakhele in 2007.

Vencencie was shot for his police firearm.

Four men were arrested along with Mente and convicted. Mente was found not guilty by the Port Elizabeth High Court.

Zila has faced three charges, all of which have been withdrawn. These include armed robbery and the illegal possession of a firearm, all between 2012 and this year.

He was out on bail after he was arrested for illegal possession of a firearm last year.

Captain Andre Beetge said: “Their records show several cases were withdrawn against them in recent years.”

He declined to speculate if the cases had been withdrawn due to witnesses being killed.

Beetge said the police would oppose bail.

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