The Herald (South Africa)

Runner’s passion to fight disease

Athlete to donate race proceeds to cystinosis cause

- Tebuho Zongwana

DERRICK Hoshe has overcome adversity during his road running career and now he is endeavouri­ng to ease the pain of others. With the annual Two Oceans marathon taking place in Cape Town next weekend, Hoshe will show us that not all heroes wear capes.

The 58-year-old NMMU sports supervisor, of Gelvandale, aims to take on this year’s Two Oceans half-marathon in the name of charity.

“The charity organisati­on I’ll be running for is cystinosis. A family member of mine has a child affected by it.

“A few years ago when I learnt about the disease I decided I need to help them in some way. My wife and I started donating R100 each every month. Now I feel like I want to do something bigger. For the next three years I will be running to raise funds and awareness for cystinosis,” Hoshe said this week.

Having participat­ed in his first marathon in 1981 at the age of 20, Hoshe has completed 15 Two Oceans marathons and three half marathons.

Taking the trip to Cape Town with him will be four runners from NMMU among them being runners Roland Kaiser and Vuyo Dudumayo, who are making their debuts.

Hoshe’s love for running is driven by a much deeper passion than that of charity.

In 2006 Derrick Hoshe was involved in a fatal head on collision on his way back from church, which killed his wife and robbed him of his ability to walk. Hoshe’s injuries were surpassed by the emotional trauma of learning his wife was dead. Nothing could soften the blow of losing her.

“The news was the biggest setback in my life. We had so many plans for the future,” Hoshe said.

However, 18 months later Hoshe surpassed all expectatio­ns and defied all odds when he rehabilita­ted himself and learnt how to walk again without any form of aid.

“I was well supported by Willard Batteries, which was my employer at the time. During my rehabilita­tion they made sure that I had transport that would take me to my physiother­apist as I could not utilise public transport.” Hoshe said.

Within his 18 month period of self rehabilita­tion, Hoshe underwent five reconstruc­tive surgeries to his right femur (long bone), which was a big set back to his recovery he said.

“Several times I would see the light at the end of the tunnel, and then I would hear of another operation I would have to undergo, and the light would just fade away.”

Although he still has a pin in his hip, Hoshe refuses to let that hinder him from doing what he loves, running, “Doctors said I would never be able to run again, but god works in mysterious and good ways” he added.

Hoshe described patience as the biggest struggle during his rehabilita­tion, “God blessed me with patience”.

While I was teaching myself to walk, I would walk from street light to street light, eventually I began to run. I could see the steady progress”.

Hoshe plans to take on his last Comrades Marathon next year and ditch ultra marathons as they have a negative effect on his leg.

A donation of R21 or more to the Cystinosis Foundation can be made to Absa Account: 9253092647; Branch code: 632005 or visit the website:

 ?? Picture: FREDLIN ADRIAAN ?? UNSUNG HERO: Derrick Hoshe will run the Two Oceans half-marathon for charity next weekend
Picture: FREDLIN ADRIAAN UNSUNG HERO: Derrick Hoshe will run the Two Oceans half-marathon for charity next weekend

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